David Cranmer Underdown Profile picture
Mar 23 15 tweets 7 min read
Norman A. Bailey - Wikipedia

He is an adjunct professor at the Institute of World Politics and teaches a course on "Economics for Foreign Policy Makers."

The investigation of the Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI), which according en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Norman_A.… to Bailey was involved in drug-running and arms-running transactions, as well as terrorism.

The Institute of World Politics (IWP) was founded in 1990 by John Lenczowski.

In 1981, John Lenczowski became part of the newly founded Active Measures Working Group.

In October 1979
Mar 20 13 tweets 4 min read
Reuben Efron - Wikipedia

In 1955 he accompanied Senator Richard Russell Jr. on a trip to the USSR. Here he and Russell reported seeing "flying saucers" which have been said to have been experimental Soviet aircraft.

Efron was charged with the en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reuben_Ef… interception and reading of Lee Harvey Oswald's mail before the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. He was also present when in February 1964 the Warren Commission, charged with investigating the assassination, interviewed Oswald's widow Marina.

Russell's support for
Mar 16 61 tweets 23 min read
The COVID Lab-Leak Theory, Jeffrey Sachs, and Peter Daszak nymag.com/intelligencer/… “In some ways, it’s quite similar to the Hunter Biden laptop situation,” said Canadian Alina Chan, scientific adviser to the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard.

The Stanley Center for Psychiatric Research at Broad Institute was launched in 2007 with Edward Scolnick, M.D., Image
Mar 12 48 tweets 14 min read
In 1958 the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) initiated a top-secret project code-named "Seesaw" at Lawrence Livermore Laboratory to develop a charged-particle beam weapon.

One plan was to play on local superstitions. (In the Philippines, an American adman- Image turned-CIA-officer had persuaded the anti-communist government to capture a rebel, drain his blood and leave two puncture holes in his neck, to play on villagers' fear of vampires.) DARPA men also proposed herding pro-U.S. peasants into "strategic hamlets."

A physicist named
Mar 4 27 tweets 11 min read
when your dickbags are too hefty for the overhead compartment or under the seat in front of you

Dick Blumenthal's brother David Blumenthal is a doctor and health care policy expert who became president of the Commonwealth Fund.

In New York City, the Commonwealth Fund and Image Edward Harkness largely orchestrated the merger of Columbia Medical School and Presbyterian Hospital. The merger culminated in the construction of the world's first academic medical center then-called Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center of the in 1922. The Hospital continues to Image
Feb 21 17 tweets 5 min read
Abraham Sinkov - Wikipedia

After the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, the Japanese also attacked the Philippine Islands. General Douglas MacArthur had been ordered to leave the Philippines and re-establish U.S. Army headquarters in en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abraham_S… Australia, from whence counterattacks might be launched.

MacArthur recognized the need for cryptologic support, thus, on 15 April 1942, he established the Central Bureau (CB), cobbling it together from refugee elements of American cryptologists evacuated from the Philippines,
Feb 16 37 tweets 11 min read
Cryptonomicon - Wikipedia

The novel's Cryptonomicon, described as a "cryptographer's bible", is a fictional book summarizing America's knowledge of cryptography and cryptanalysis.

Begun by John Wilkins (the Cryptonomicon is mentioned in Quicksilver) en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cryptonom… and amended over time by William Friedman, Lawrence Waterhouse, and others, the Cryptonomicon is described by Katherine Hayles as "a kind of Kabala created by a Brotherhood of Code that stretches across centuries.

In 1942, Lawrence Pritchard Waterhouse, a young
Feb 15 15 tweets 6 min read
The Elders was initiated by English philanthropist Richard Branson and musician and human rights activist Peter Gabriel, together with anti-apartheid activist and former South African President Nelson Mandela.

Mandela stayed in the Wesley House dormitory, befriending his Image own kinsman, K. D. Matanzima, as well as Oliver Tambo, who became a close friend and comrade for decades to come.

Though historically a !Orana and Barolong settlement, and then a Boersettlement, Bloemfontein was officially founded in 1846 as a fort by British Army Image
Feb 15 18 tweets 6 min read
Musk's 'MAGA mommy': Ashley St Clair started as a right-wing talk show guest... but is now living the high life in a $15k-a-month luxury apartment | Daily Mail Online

St Clair is a longtime writer for the Babylon Bee and first made shot to fame amid a dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1… slew of controversy.

She stepped aside as a 'brand ambassador' for conservative youth organization Turning Point USA in 2019 after posing for a photo with white nationalists.

Among those in the photo were Nicholas Fuentes and Tim Gionet, better know at the time Image
Feb 5 18 tweets 8 min read
After Khashoggi ran into financial problems he sold the yacht to the Sultan of Brunei, who in turn sold it for US$29 million to Donald Trump, who sold it for US$20 million to Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal as part of a deal to keep his Taj Mahal casino out of bankruptcy. Image Original restaurants at the Taj Mahal included Hard Rock Cafe, Sultan's Feast, Dynasty, Il Mulino New York, Moon at Dynasty, and Robert's Steakhouse. It was also the home of Scores, the country's first in-casino strip club.

On March 1, 2017, the Seminole Tribe of Florida through Image
Feb 5 29 tweets 14 min read
Genie Energy's Strategic advisory board is composed of: Dick Cheney since 2009 (former vice president of the United States), Rupert Murdoch (media mogul and chairman of News Corp), James Woolsey (former CIA director), Larry Summers (former head of the US Treasury), Image
Michael Steinhardt, Jacob Rothschild, and Mary Landrieu, former United States Senator from Louisiana.

Following the overthrow of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the Shah of Iran, during the Iranian Revolution in 1979, Marc Rich used his special relationship with Ayatollah Khomeini, the Image
Feb 5 19 tweets 6 min read
Jack Lew - Wikipedia

Lew's former boss on the National Security Council, Sandy Berger, commented that "Lew's faith never got in the way of performing his duties." en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Lew At Cornell, Sandy Berger was a member of the Quill and Dagger society with Paul Wolfowitz and Stephen Hadley.

Berger began working for SenatorGeorge McGovern's presidential campaign in 1972. While there, he met Bill Clinton, forming a friendship that lasted for decades.
Jan 24 12 tweets 7 min read
Ol’ Purdue had a rebrand to Evonik, Tippecanoe is a specific reference to William Henry Harrison dead President after outdoor inauguration. His son got his body snatched. Grandson was also US President Benjamin Harrison.

Daniel’s dad worked for Pittman Moore a Salk vaxer Image
Hudson Institute was founded in 1961 by Herman Kahn, Max Singer, and Oscar M. Ruebhausen. Kahn was a Cold War icon, often interviewed in magazines, who was purported to have the highest IQ on record.

Hudson's detailed analyses of "ladders of escalation" and reports on the Image
Jan 18 50 tweets 18 min read
Al Seckel - Wikipedia

In attendance were scientists Murray Gell-Mann, Leonard Mlodinow, Gerald Sussman, and Frances Arnold, in addition to the actor and cryptocurrency proponent Brock Pierce. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al_Seckel In 2001, Brock Pierce founded Internet Gaming Entertainment (IGE), a company that pioneered the MMORPG currency-selling services industry.

Pierce brought in Steve Bannon, formerly of Goldman Sachs and Breitbart News, to seek venture capital, and a deal was made in February 2006 Image
Jan 16 33 tweets 12 min read
Trump shares inflammatory video with crude reference to Netanyahu | Donald Trump | The Guardian

Jeff Sachs – talking at a Cambridge Union event – claims Bibi Netanyahu has pursued a systematic strategy since 1995 to eliminate Hamas and Hezbollah by theguardian.com/us-news/2025/j… targeting their supporting governments in Iraq, Iran and Syria.

In 1980 the economist Arnold Harberger of the Harvard University was selected as head of the Harvard Institute for International Development (HIID). The announcement met with protests from students and staff since
Jan 14 12 tweets 4 min read
The John U. Nef Committee on Social Thought is one of several PhD-granting committees at the University of Chicago. It was started in 1941 by economic historian John Ulric Nef along with economist Frank Knight, anthropologist Robert Redfield, and University President Robert Maynard Hutchins.

Robert Pippin earned his BA in English from Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut. and his Ph.D. in philosophy from Penn State under the direction of Stanley Rosen. Before moving to Chicago, he taught for a number of years in
Jan 13 28 tweets 11 min read
Nicolas Berggruen - Wikipedia

Nicolas Berggruen was born in Paris, France. He is the son of art collector and dealer Heinz Berggruen and actress Bettina Moissi. His father comes from a German Jewish family, and his mother was a Catholic Albanian and en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicolas_B… German, the daughter of actors Aleksandër Moisiu and Herta Hambach.

Heinz Berggruen immigrated to the United States in 1936 and studied German literature at University of California, Berkeley. After working as an art critic for the San Francisco Chronicle, in 1939 he became Image
Jan 3 14 tweets 3 min read
Leo Ryan - Wikipedia

Ryan was also known for his vocal criticism of the lack of congressional oversight of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and co-authored the Hughes–Ryan Amendment, passed in 1974, which requires the president of the United States en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leo_Ryan to report covert CIA activity to Congress.
In 1978, Ryan traveled to Guyana to investigate claims that people were being held against their will at the Peoples Temple Jonestown settlement. He was shot and killed at an airstrip on November 18, 1978.
Jan 1 48 tweets 16 min read
Sue Desmond-Hellmann - Wikipedia

In 2011, Desmond-Hellmann co-chaired a National Academy of Sciences committee that recommended creating a Google Maps-like data network aimed at developing more diagnostics and treatments tailored to individual patients en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sue_Desmo… — a concept known as precision medicine.

Google Maps first started as a C++ program designed by two Danish brothers, Lars and Jens Eilstrup Rasmussen, and Noel Gordon and Stephen Ma, at the Sydney-based company Where 2 Technologies, which was founded in early 2003. Image
Jan 1 53 tweets 21 min read
Territorial spirit - Wikipedia

Territorial spirits are a part of strategic-level spiritual warfare (SLSW) as promoted by New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) leader C. Peter Wagner and others in the movement, which involves the practice of mapping the en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Territori… spiritual and social history of an area in order for prophets to learn the names and assignments of demonic spirits as the first step to effective spiritual warfare.

Named demons include Jezebel, Baal, and Leviathan. Image
Dec 26, 2024 74 tweets 16 min read
Barton Gellman - Wikipedia

In 2005, Gellman discovered that the Defense Department, under Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, was building Strategic Support Branch, a clandestine human intelligence service to rival the CIA, and that the commander had a en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barton_Ge… controversial past.

Originally titled Human Augmentation Teams, the Strategic Support Branch was established to give DoD an increase of human intelligence capabilities and what was considered by former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld an end to "near total dependence on