Jim Stewartson, Counterinsurgent 🇺🇸🇺🇦💙🎈 Profile picture
Emmy-winning creative technologist, @RadicalizedPod co-host, Journalist: https://t.co/QvvP9wRDg2. This is not politics. This is a coup. #ArrestMikeFlynn

Jul 20, 2021, 5 tweets

Flynn admits his entire sickening agenda in this clip.

He is still butthurt that he got bounced from DIA a year early and admits it caused him to “get into politics” which included visiting Putin in 2015.

The real point he says is to defeat “hardcore Marxists.”

Flynn attacks CRT and says the trust between the military and American citizens is “fraying.” And that we must be “very, very careful” about this “social experiment.”

This is where Flynn starts toward prime facie Seditious Incitement. He frames it as optional that military leadership should take orders from the Commander in Chief who he pointedly calls “the administrator.”


I am not a military lawyer but this cannot be legal. WTF??

Flynn, who receives a pension from all of us, is telling military leadership — “especially 3 and 4 stars” — that even if an order is “legal, moral and ethical” that the order is optional.

Or, they should quit. 🚨

“I feel sorry for this country.”
Well the part of country that has not fallen your psyop has no fucks for you, Mike.

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