Jim Stewartson, Antifascist 🇨🇦🇺🇦🏴‍☠️🇺🇸 Profile picture
@RadicalizedPod co-host, Journalist: https://t.co/QvvP9wRDg2 Threads: jimstewartson, Bluesky: jim-stewartson, Mastodon https://t.co/ycc97UuQAu
72 subscribers
Mar 8 • 11 tweets • 4 min read
Let’s be very clear. We need to put this to rest.
Elon Musk is an official, actual Nazi:
—Born to Nazi mom, dad & grandparents
—Grew up in racist apartheid
—Named after a Nazi sci-fi book
—Overt Nazi signals: 14/88/4chan
—2 Hitler salutes
—2 Nazi DOGE logos
—Terror of white replacement
—Terror of immigrants
—Hates DEI, CRT, “woke mind virus”
—Obsessed with racism against whites
—Wants to eliminate trans people, including his own daughter
—Trying to destroy democracies around the world & replace them with fascist dictatorships
—Invading the federal government with cybercriminals
—Turned Twitter into a Nazi indoctrination platform
—Personally reinstated numerous violent, criminal Nazis
—Interacts with hundreds of known Nazis, antisemites & anonymous Nazi accounts
—Has a massive Nazi following who defend him voraciously as “ourguy”

What did I miss? ICYMI, Elon Musk’s Nazi Mom is now riding around with him on Marine One.
Jan 2 • 12 tweets • 4 min read
Both the Cybertruck terrorist, who was active duty Special Forces on leave from Germany, and the veteran who murdered 15 people in New Orleans were stationed at Ft. Liberty/Bragg.

So were Mike Flynn & Tulsi Gabbard—who is set to be in charge of our entire intelligence community. There are real problems with this base and have been for a long time.
Dec 28, 2024 • 4 tweets • 4 min read
😳 Errol Musk says his son is named after a sci-fi book written in 1948 by Nazi rocket scientist Werner Von Braun called “Marsprojekt” where he describes in technical detail how people get to Mars & describes the Martian government as a technocracy with “the Elon” in charge.

Von Braun was brought to America during Operation Paperclip which brought Nazi scientists to America, and wrote “Mars Project” at Ft. Bliss — in German. Hermann Oberth, who Errol Musk also mentions, was another Nazi rocket scientist who came to America in 1955 to work for Von Braun.

In the chapter on the Martian government is also the core idea of non-geographical “network states” (a Thiel project to dissolve nation-states in favor of techno-dictatorships) and high velocity subways (think Boring Company/Hyperloop).

How much of what Elon Musk is doing right now based on the fantasies of a Nazi rocket scientists? Is all of this “the Elon” trying to prove something to his father?

Seems like we’re all screwed because of someone’s daddy issues.
You may wonder if pro-natalist Errol Musk really has that sort of influence on his son. Well, Errol said: “The only thing we are on Earth for is to reproduce” & has 7 kids—including 2 with his ex-step-daughter, who he raised from 4 years old.

“The Elon” has over a dozen now. Image
Dec 17, 2024 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
Trump’s Cabinet is built on a core ideology of eugenics as a solution to white male terror about being replaced as a privileged, dominant demographic of humanity. Making poor vulnerable to disease
Decimating the social safety net—SS & Medicare
“Mass deportations” / concentration camps
Turning education into indoctrination
Scapegoating LGBTQ people
Waging a class war, fascist billionaires cutting the budget
“Kill all Muslims” guy at DoD

What does that sound like?
Dec 2, 2024 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
I do not want to hear another fucking word about Hunter’s pardon. Image For the MAGAs in my replies trying to pretend Hunter’s drug abuse and minor crimes were worse than Mike Flynn and Roger Stone. Here are their easily documentable crimes:
—Seditious Conspiracy
—Election Interference
—FARA violations
Nov 20, 2024 • 4 tweets • 3 min read
This is Russian propaganda, from controlled opposition, designed to make liberals shy away from demanding answers from the administration about this election.

This is disinformation, designed to gatekeep the left & shame us into silence. It’s also a great reason to keep digging. Image Straw man attacks on edge cases. Taking extreme ideas & claiming it represents anyone asking questions. Repeating “conspiracy theory” over & over until it sticks. All propaganda.

But don’t worry “a Trump-staffed FBI will still take the threats seriously and investigate them.” 🤦 Image
Nov 7, 2024 • 11 tweets • 4 min read
🚨This is Mike Flynn’s very close friend and funder. They hosted a party together on election night for 1,000 people.

NOTE: It appears to be DOD, Secret Service, and IRS agents, not FBI. This is Ivan Raiklin with Alfie Oakes when he got raided.
Near 100% certainty. Image
Nov 5, 2024 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
🚨Mike Flynn is proceeding with his plan to steal the election
Flynn invokes the “total setup” of J6, goes on a racist diatribe about Kamala Harris & predicts victory for Donald Trump.
“There should be no reason we shouldn’t know this evening.”

If not, he predicted violence.
🧵 Mike Flynn says he “feels” like 2016 when he helped steal an election, points to his white skin while he talks about “our DNA,” and tells people that after today is “when the real sacrifices begin.”

There’s barely any fig leaf over what he’s really doing here—mobilization.
Oct 31, 2024 • 5 tweets • 3 min read
Holy shit. 🚩

Wake up. Trump is going to hand our economy over to the PayPal Mafia, who created Satoshi as a LARP, like Q, to mask their plan to eliminate the dollar and replace it with a digital Ponzi scheme that will explode the economy.

“Ross” Ulbricht created “Silk Road.” Image 🚨This lunatic screaming “WE MUST CRUSH JIHAD!” at Trump’s Nazi rally controls the underlying security to Bitcoin. He’s Trump campaign chair.

Trump’s entire team is infested with organized crime connected to Thiel, Musk, the Russians, and the Saudis.

This is evil.
Oct 20, 2024 • 25 tweets • 9 min read
I just spent two days covering this ReAwaken event. It’s the 24th time I’ve done it. It just gets worse & worse.

This is a death cult led by a deviant collection of American terrorists that has captured the minds of a vast swath of the country.

This is American ISIS.

If you’d like to support me, please subscribe to my website mind-war.com. My content is free but paid subscribers keep me alive. 🇺🇸 There are two central tactics at the heart of this anti-American psychological warfare operation: create terror of white replacement & create a desire for the destruction of the separation of church & state.

The US was founded on freedom FROM religion.
Oct 13, 2024 • 8 tweets • 6 min read
🚨Apparently the third “attempted assassin” is this guy, Vem Miller, who is, to say the least, not the government, or a “communist Democrat.”

Here are a few shots from his IG. WTF?
abc7.com/post/man-arres… x.com/jimstewartson/…Image
Left: Flynn’s Russian propagandist using the “attempted assassination” against Trump for material just now.
Right: Vem Miller’s IG with the Shaman and Ivan Raiklin.

Oct 12, 2024 • 5 tweets • 3 min read
🚨 At Moonies gun cult Rod of Iron Ministries, Flynn Org terrorist Ivan Raiklin announces plan to interfere with electors in PA, including a plan to confront state legislators echoing J6 — on 12/1/24 at the State Capitol, in Harrisburg, PA 🚨

This is criminal seditious conspiracy in the open. Raiklin is detailing large-scale organized crime. He’s doing it at a warehouse full of AR-15s and ammo, with a cult run by a criminal psychopath who wears a crown of bullets to his “sermons.”

I’m posting this in full because I believe it is critical to counter this operation with legal precautions, and swift law enforcement action before it gets started.

I watched Raiklin, and his general Mike Flynn, do this exact thing four years ago leading up to J6, but this time the insurrection will be national. Pennsylvania is just one target.

@TheJusticeDept @FBI @FBIWFO @marceelias @KamalaHQ @Liz_Cheney I cannot stress enough,that Mike Flynn, Ivan Raiklin and a caravan full of psyops specialists, insurrectionists, neo-Nazis, & Q believers went on a tour through 40 states over the Summer. They did not go to show Flynn’s movie. They did it to network a national insurgency.
Sep 11, 2024 • 49 tweets • 11 min read
OK, might as well do this. #DebateNight2024 🧵

Note the MAGA Mind Virus will make this thread very triggering. I highly suggest any victims of MMV steer clear, as extreme cognitive dissonance may result.

#KamalaWalz2024 I have to admit to being extremely anxious before the last debate. This time I feel like we’re about to watch the Harlem Globetrotters and the Washington Generals.
Aug 23, 2024 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
He said “88” in connection with Putin on purpose. ICYMI, a code for “Heil Hitler.”

This is not the first time. Nazi Psycho. He tweeted it last year and the Nazis heard him loud and clear.
Jul 29, 2024 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
PSYOP ALERT: The world’s richest 4chan incel is already preparing the battlefield for Big Lie 2.0—repetitively accusing Democrats of cheating in the election until it becomes true in the minds of enough voters the insurgency can use it to generate violence.

This is terrorism through psychological warfare. Elmo knows this is ridiculous, or should, but he’s validating the MAGA/QAnon grievance complex on purpose, and tilling the soil for deception. I’ve seen thousands of accounts like him. But unfortunately this one owns this website and managed to funnel almost 200M followers to himself.

Elmo is a foreign-born racist psychopath who managed to become an oligarch by fraud and now wants to increase his grip on America by ridding us of our pesky democracy.

There is nothing neo about this Nazi.

As I keep saying, J6 was aimed at one location. The next insurrection will be national. Elmo is already cheering them on.Image Note that the search results from Google are a complex interplay of factors. Each letter presents different results. This will change in a few hours based on new aggregate data coming into the system, and on each user’s behavior.

For example, Trump comes up FIRST in my search. Image
Jul 25, 2024 • 17 tweets • 6 min read
🧵It is clear Kamala Harris can & will win the popular vote. But history tells us that is not enough.

This is no longer a political process, it’s a hybrid war, and there are still major obstacles to her election that have nothing to with politics.
#Kamala2024 For anyone curious about my motivations, my qualifications or my background, I’ve been working at the intersection of entertainment & technology for 30 years. 4 years ago I saw a monster coming for American democracy and vowed to fight it.

Jul 24, 2024 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
The past 5 Republican presidents got into the WH by cheating.

Democrats won the popular vote 7 of the last 8 elections, yet find ourselves on the edge of oblivion.

The GOP isn’t a party anymore. It’s a criminal conspiracy to steal our franchise as US citizens. We must BREAK IT. Winning another election and living for another day is not enough anymore. I’m tired of one of the parties in our “two party system” trying to murder the other one.

It’s not a political system anymore. It’s one party playing politics, and the other trying to destroy politics.
Jul 13, 2024 • 21 tweets • 8 min read
Yeah, something feels very weird about this whole thing.
Vincent Fusca is just standing around like no big deal.
Trump pops up raising his fist.

I don’t know. But none of this seems right.
Image This is very, very convenient for the former president, isn’t it? Image
Jul 6, 2024 • 7 tweets • 1 min read
You cannot win a war, if you have not defined the enemy. People who are confused, do nothing.
Jun 30, 2024 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
Context is everything.

Please listen to Mike Flynn’s message to his cult in the context of his new store selling AR15s, and the recent SCOTUS decision to legalize bump stocks — which was aided by two amicus briefs by Flynn’s 501c3.

This man is stoking an ARMED REBELLION.
#ArrestMikeFlynn More context. Why is Mike Flynn selling weapons of mass death and simultaneously pre-programming his death cult for violence this Summer?
Jun 27, 2024 • 10 tweets • 5 min read
As I was saying, I’m starting to get weirded out by the fact that our federal government seems deaf, dumb and blind to the Russian-backed armed rebellion being planned in the open.

@POTUS @SecDef why is our @FBI @TheJusticeDept and @SecArmy allowing this to happen?
Image Mike Flynn, the worst traitor in American history, who is currently on his third successive coup attempt, is now selling AR15s on his website—which he actively helped legalize to be converted to machine guns.

He’s advertising it as “1776” & “July 4th.”
This signal is a bullhorn.