Hiddeπ Amur∆Ka: Thr𓂀ce (G)REatEST ॐ Profile picture
Interior Way ॐ Philosopher King ☆ Alchemist 𓂀 Eternal Student ☆ Author of Piercing the Veil, God of Reflections, Cup of Hermes ⚚ & Apocalypse of Hidden AmuraKa

Jul 21, 2021, 7 tweets

Yama, also known as Kala, & DHARMAraja is the Ancient Hindu & Buddhist God of Death & Justice, responsible for the dispensation of law & punishment of sinners in Yamaloka. He is the personification of Dharma. Name means 'Twin'. He often equated to Hades, Dis Pater, Ymir & Remus.

"Only the Truth is judged true; the sinners are picked out; separated. The false find no place there, they go to hell with their faces blackened. Those who are imbued with Your Name win while the cheaters lose. The Lord installed the Judge of Dharma to read & record the accounts"

In the Earliest Vedic Texts, Yama is said to be the 1st Born Human (& his Twin Sister Yamī/ YamUNA), the 1st Ancestor who was Diefied by his Father the 🌞 God, Surya (Surya means 'Truth'). This same myth is Synchronized in the Roman & Norse 1st Ancestors REMUS & Romulus and Ymir.

In the Zend-Avesta of Zoroastrianism, he is called "Yima".

Yamah and the related Sanskrit Yama are interpreted as "the twin," reflecting the Indo-Iranian belief in a Primordial Divine Twins Yama, God of the Dead, & his Twin, Yami, Goddess of Life.

In Buddhism, Yama is a DHARMApala, a wrathful god or the Enlightened Protector of Buddhism that is considered Worldly, said to judge the dead & preside over the Narakas (Hell/ Purgatory) & the Cycle of Rebirth. He is LOKApalas (Guardian of Directions), the Protector of the South.

In Sikhism, YAMAraja is known as DhaRAM Rai & DhaRAM Raja (Dharma is spelt as DhaRAM). DhaRAM Rai is considered to be a Servant of god instead of a god, who works for god & serves his functions. The supreme god, Vaheguru has assigned Dharam Rai 'The Righteous Judge of Dharma'

Sanjna or Samjna, also known as SARAnyu is the Hindu Goddess of Clouds & Dusk; wife of Surya.The children of Surya by Saranyu are:

Shraddhadeva Manu — Progenitor of Humanity
YAMA — Lord of Death
Yami — Lady of Life
Ashvins — The Divine Twin physicians.
Revanta — Master of 🐎

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