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Jul 21, 2021, 14 tweets

AR20-21 Notes

AAVAS Financiers

A Leading Housing Finance Company concentrating on Affordable Housing

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1/ Performance Overview

~Annual Revenues exceeded Rs 1000 Cr for the first time
~AUM reached Rs 9454 Cr
~Spread at 5.76% in FY21
~Active Customer base at >1.25 Lacs

2/ 10 Year Report Card

~Developed Niche & maintained disciplined and conservative underwriting
~Scaled the business sustainably
~Promoted financial inclusion & led to the development of the sector

3/ Performing Through COVID-19

Despite the difficult environment, Aavas managed to
~maintain its book strength
~diversify borrowing sources
~leverage tech to enable the smooth running of the business

4/ Enhanced Return for Stakeholders and Improvements in

~Financial Capital
~Company Infrastructure
~Employee Strength
~Business Process & Operations

5/ Strategic Priorities

~Increasing Presence in Market Niche
~Strengthening Customer Engagement
~Building Proprietary Value Chain
~Expanding in Indian housing markets

6/ Strategic Priorities Contd

~Maintaining discipline in managing yields
~Enhancing long term liquidity
~Maximizing Capital Returns

7/ Technological Priorities

~Strengthen tech team and invest in new tech
~Leverage tech and enhance competitiveness

8/ Risk Management

9/ Industry Overview

10/ Govt Policies & Initiatives for the Sector

11/ SCOT of Aavas & Present Credit Rating

12/ Financials

~Consolidated Balance Sheet
~Consolidated P&L Statement
~Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

~Latest investor concall notes:

End 🙂🙏

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