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Jul 21, 2021, 15 tweets

Best characters in Marvel movies who weren’t the main star. A thread.

Kicking it off with my favorite. Hela (Thor: Ragnarok)

She’s the goddess of death which is more metal than all of Daenerys Targaryen’s titles combined. She makes an entrance by impaling a bunch of warriors and looks hot doing it.

Tied with Valkyrie (Thor: Ragnarok)

She takes no shit from anyone, isn’t impressed by Thor’s handsomeness, and I mean, come on.

Honorable mention for Jeff Goldblum for just Jeff Goldbluming it up every second he’s on screen. Damn this was a good movie

General Okoye (Black Panther)

In a glamorous evening gown she fought a club full of men with just a spear and she can talk to giant Wakanda rhinos.

Yelena (Black Widow)

Besides being a total badass she straight up mocks the star of the movie repeatedly for her team’s battle poses.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead (Deadpool)

How can you not love a little girl who serves grown men with solid owns on the regular?

Domino (Deadpool 2)

Being lucky is in fact a super power.

Laura/X-23 (Logan)

Wolverine has to tell HER to chill out. Enough said.

Spider-Gwen (Into the Spider-verse)

Please just watch this movie. My god.

Nebula (Guardians of the Galaxy)

Living in the shadow of her sister, and mutated by her awful “father.” She’s pissed but for legitimately valid reasons. Plus she rocks the bald part-cyborg look.

Scarlet Witch (literally every movie she’s been in)

I don’t think I need to elaborate on this one.

Maria (Captain Marvel)

Without her Carol would’ve acted without thinking and royally fucked up. Plus she doesn’t hesitate to call Carol on her shit.

Also huge props to Monica

Shadowcat and Siryn (X-2 uncredited but it’s clearly supposed to be them)

I’ve always been a Rogue fan but I hated the way she was depicted in the movies. Why not do a Rogue origin story where they explain the fucked up way she got her flight and superhuman strength?

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