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🌸Madhyandiniya Yajurvedi

Jul 21, 2021, 10 tweets

How many rounds(भांवर) are right during marriages? 4 or 7

In Gujrat we have 4 rounds. 7 rounds are quite popular in UP,Himanchal,bihar and many other states✨

Does the concept of tradition applies here?

Shastras too falls under tradition. A tradition which does not go against श्रुति-स्मृति is considered right others are wrong.
A tradition that does not mentioned in shruti smritis(as मंगलसूत्र) is right because it contradicts none.

पारस्कर ग्रह्यसूत्र of the shukla yajurveda which is very famous among pandits states:-
चतुर्थं शूर्पकुष्ठया सर्वाल्लाजानावपति भगाय स्वाहेति ।
4th time all the लाजा's{Kheels} should be sacrificed in fire then they do the last parikrama as said in 7th sutra

The हरिहर and Gadadhar Bhashya of the 7th sutra states:- " ततः समाचारात्तूष्णीं चतुर्थं परिक्रमणं वधूवरौ कुरुतः
Complete the fourth Round for sadachara.
Which means 3 rounds+1 round for achara,।

Bhagvan Ram and ma sita did 3 parikramas.
ईदृशे वर्तमाने तु तूर्योद्दष्टनिनादिते | त्रिरग्निं ते परिक्रम्य ऊहुर्भार्या महौजसः ।। ( Balkanda 73/39 )

In #मानवग्रह्यसूत्र 1.10 we have the clear statement:- चतु: परिणयति. Bride and Groom complete the parikrama 4 times.

In laghu ashvalambha smriti Vivaha prakrana/15 too:-विधिरेष विवाहस्य प्रत्याहुतिप्रदक्षिणम् । मन्त्रोऽर्यमणं वरुणं पूषण लाजहोमके ।।
3 mantras are defined for 3 ahutis and then one round for each ahuti is described. Which means 3 round with mantra and 1 can be done without it.

The unnecessary relation of rounds with #सप्तपदी and the "7 life means 7 rounds" has given rise to such traditions. सप्तपदी takes place after rounds not with it.

TVs and others are responsible for this too,they have also maligned the tradition at many houses.

With wrong vidhis marriages will fail without a doubt.

Rayta science logy dot com. Someone was saying "there must be 8 rounds to promote equality"😆

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