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Landscape oil painter Roanna Carleton-Taylor. Painting UK landmarks. Selling prints on my website and my Etsy…

Jul 21, 2021, 10 tweets

Walk by the Canal. Work in Progress thread

Roanna Carleton Taylor

My initial underpainting is about placement. Here I'm building on where I want the layers to be and starting to create the shape of the painting

Building up the layers of the trees. I block out the parts where the sky shows through and then add foliage for realism.

Adding in the lowlights. A fellow artist said the tree on the right looked like a head of broccoli at this stage!

Working out where the reflection on the water would be. It was a bit too blue at this stage though.

Toned down the water and starting to add some highlights to the foliage

Warming the picture with yellows. Added a boat too.

More detail to the water, added some shadows and put some shadowing and texture on the path

The finished painting

Roanna Carleton Taylor

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