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Biased. Journalist. Telegram: Founder: Grabien, The Pub, NewsLists & BioSpa

Jul 22, 2021, 5 tweets

Crushing it

Biden: Our multi trillion dollar spending bills “will reduce inflation, reduce inflation, reduce inflation"

Biden: "Those of you who travel abroad, it’s not a joke. Not a joke. Ask — you know, when I went to this G7, all the major democracies. I walked in and go, 'America’s back.' I’m serious, heads of state. I give you my word as a Biden. They said, ‘Are you really back?’"

Biden, who is vowing to raise the corporate income tax rate, boasts that Delaware — where there is no corporate income tax for most businesses — has more registered corporations "than all the rest of America combined. Combined. Combined."

Biden: Congress must protect our rights, "The most important one is the right to vote. That’s the single most important one. And your vote counted and counted by someone who honestly counts it."

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