Eddy Quan Profile picture

Jul 22, 2021, 10 tweets

7 movies every man must watch


1) Gattaca

A man cannot truly be a man if he doesn't believe in himself to the point of delusion....

even if that means fighting his own genetic limitations.

This movie seeks to answer the question "you limited by logic or are you powered by God?"

2) Rocky III

Contrary to popular belief, the hardest test for a man isn't how he reacts when he's at rock bottom.

It's how he reacts to his first success.

As Mickey told Rocky "the worst thing happened to you that could happen to any fighter... you got civilized"

3) A Bronx tale

"Rich Dad, Poor Dad" by Robert Kiyosaki in the context of growing up as an Italian American kid in the Bronx.

This movie will teach you how to be a man and how to pick your ideal wife (seriously).

4) Predator

Group of the chaddest and baddest cigar smoking gym bros are sent to the jungle with a ton of guns, ammunition and explosives to fight an indestructible alien specie.

WTF else do you want?

5) The River Wild

Most overlooked movie about masculinity on this list.

Most will remember this movie because of Meryl Streep and Kevin Bacon.

Few will remember the transition David Strathairn made from soy dad to chad dad.

Highly recommended movie especially for Dads.

6) The Founder

Often in life it's not about being the smartest man in the room or having the best idea.

It's about who has the most cunning and ambition and no one had more cunning and ambition than Ray Kroc.

7) L.A Confidential

I love this film for many reasons but I'm putting it on the list because it forces men to question how far they will go to defend their moral values.

Will they go as far as to break the law?

Expect tons of sex, corruption, violence and outright degeneracy.

I know a lot of you are probably thinking "but what about the Godfather and Casino and Goodfellas and all those bad ass mafioso movies you didn't include?"

Fuck I dunno... How about expanding your horizons a little bit?

I did include Predator at least...

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