Eddy Quan Profile picture
I help brands sell with stories | Served 200+ Clients | Click the link below for my daily email tips
44 subscribers
Aug 24, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read
I've sold $200,000+ with email.

The emails:
> 200-500 words
> 15-20 minutes to write
> Can be re-used to make munny over and over again

Here are the 9 email rules I've learned.

Took me 4 years and $1000s in courses and failure to learn.

You get them for free.

//Thread//: 1) Stop giving "value"

A lot of people think if they give a ton of info and value in their emails, the subscribers will thank them by buying their stuff.

Better to bait them with one piece of the puzzle then show them how they can solve the rest of the puzzle by buying.
Aug 22, 2023 15 tweets 3 min read
The first client I ever signed paid me $50 to write ONE email.

I knew NOTHING about email.

Now I can make over $3,000 in one weekend writing a few emails while I drink my morning coffee.

Here's how you can copy me and do the same by writing dead-simple emails

//THREAD//: This is not clickbait and I'm not exaggerating when I say you can make multiple $1000s just by sending a few emails which take 15-20 minutes to write.

You can literally copy and paste what I did and get similar results.

So let's get you paid:
Aug 19, 2023 28 tweets 4 min read
I started my X account with ZERO followers. Now I have 152k followers.

> Paying for ads
> Buying retweets
> Using A.I

Give me 3.5 minutes of your time and I'll share 25 of my BEST TIPS to build an audience on X. Even if you have 0 followers today

//THREAD// BTW I'm making a video course to show you exactly how I built an audience step-by-step

It includes a bonus module from a $500 mastermind called how to build a zero-competition business on X.

Want an early copy? (it's free) sign up here:

Keep reading👇join.eddyquan.com
Aug 17, 2023 14 tweets 3 min read
I helped a guy quit his 9-5 job. Now he makes a full-time income from his online business.

No logo
No coding
No website
No complex funnels.
No online business experience

Just a Twitter (X) account and an email list.

Here's everything we did step by step: If you apply it, this thread is easily worth $1000s.

I have nothing to sell you. No sneaky product links or upsells.

But please RT the first tweet to help others get more out of Twitter.

Now let's help you break free from the 9-5 grind👇
Jun 29, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
How I made $200,000+ profit...

> with HORRIBLE engagement
> only "working" 20 minutes a day
> without sending a single cold DM

This is a repeatable process I've been refining for 2+ years.

And now it's yours for free.

Thread: The year is 2020. And since everyone is stuck at home scrolling Twitter instead of outside because of the pandemic...

Everyone is building and monetising their Twitter audience.

Everyone is selling courses and making money.

Then 2021 rolls around and everything changes....
Jun 15, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
I used to hit the snooze button 3 times so I could sit in traffic and get to an 8 hour/day job that was burning me out.

Now I wake up everyday without an alarm clock and work for 3 hours/day with no stress or risk of burn out.

Here's 7 ideas that helped me break free: 1) Skills > Time

If you want to break free, then you need to stop exchanging your time for money.

Instead, increase your value and trade that for money:

> Invest in self-education
> Practice your craft
> Invest in mentorship

More value = Less time spent to make money
Jun 7, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
You don't need any complex websites, logos or apps to build an online business.

All you need is an email list.

I grew my list from 0 to 13,314 using 100% free tactics.

This list makes me $15,000+ every month.

Here are 5 simple things I did to grow my email list: Few facts about email:

> It makes $42 for every $1 spent (4200% ROI)
> It's an asset no-one can take from you (unlike your social media which can be shadowbanned or suspended)
> It's the highest revenue generator for almost every business in existence

Let's get started👇
May 10, 2023 10 tweets 4 min read
A personal brand can give you the one thing money can't buy;


Problem is most are killing their brand with garbage content.

Instead, here are the *only* 3 pieces of content you need to build a high-impact brand (My last client paid $30k for this): Image It doesn't matter if you're David Goggins or a successful entrepreneur.

A Brand is the ultimate asset. Build it right and it will give you more opportunities and open more doors than anything else.

And you only need to post 3 types of content👇
Mar 11, 2023 14 tweets 4 min read
You feel stuck because you live life on auto-pilot.

No intention.
No vision.
No plan.

Just aimlessly drifting towards your deathbed with a heart full of regret.

But it doesn't have to be this way.

Here's how to do a factory reset on your life in 30 minutes or less: The first time I did a factory reset on my life I was stuck in a corporate job I hated.

So I quit my job to travel the world. It was a great experience but I wound up broke and lost.

The problem? I didn't have a process to start the next chapter.

Until I did this:
Mar 4, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
A personal brand is the most valuable asset you can build.

Problem is most people are killing their brand with garbage content.

Instead, here are the only 3 pieces of content you need to build a high value brand (My last client paid me $25,000 for this): It doesn't matter if you're Tim Ferriss, a fitness coach or the owner of a marketing agency...

A Brand is the ultimate asset. Build it right and it will get you more profits and opportunities than anything else in your business.

And you only need these 3 pieces of content👇
Feb 22, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
10 Reasons You Should Fire Your Boss to Start an Online Business and Break Free From 9-5 Slavery Forever: Loyalty

I worked in corporate bankruptcy. Trust me, there's no such thing as company loyalty.

You're a line item on a profit and loss statement and if they have to lay you off to save the company, they'll do it without hesitation.

The only boss you should be loyal to is you.
Feb 15, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
Spoke to a guy who makes $50,000/mo on Twitter.

No logo
No coding
No website
No complex funnels.

Just a simple 6 step system.

All you need is a Twitter account and a way to send emails.

Here's the breakdown (you're gonna want to bookmark this): If you apply it, this thread is easily worth $1000s

It also took years of trial and error and $1000s in self-education to learn.

I have nothing to sell you.

But please RT the first tweet to share the value and help others get more out of Twitter.

Now let's get you paid👇
Feb 8, 2023 12 tweets 4 min read
Seth Godin is one of the greatest marketers of this era.

He once said:

“Marketing is no longer about the stuff you make, but about the stories you tell.”

Sadly, most weren't taught how to tell a good story.

So here are 10 dead simple tips to make you a better storyteller: Start in the middle.

Most people lose the reader in the first ten seconds because they try to write a fancy intro paragraph.

Total waste.

Instead, pull the reader into the story by starting in the middle of a scene. This engages their curiosity and keeps them reading.

Feb 4, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
I made $500 in my first month of online business.

This year I'll make over $20,000 per month while writing 3 hours a day, a few days per week.

Here's the entire blueprint laid out in 10 tweets so you can do the same without losing your mind: Most newbies want to write an e-book or build a course.

The problem?

It's like making a delicious meal then throwing it in the trash.

You wasted all that effort to create something no one wants to use.

Complete waste of time and energy.

Here's what you should do instead 👇
Feb 1, 2023 14 tweets 3 min read
10 years ago I quit my corporate job with no backup plans.

Since then I've:
- Traveled 30+ countries
- Built an online brand with 100,000+ audience
- Replaced my salary with a $20,000+/month online business

Here are the 7 steps I took to escape the 9-5 grind forever: As far back as I can remember, I always felt there was more to life than just get a job, work hard, buy a house and die.

But school + family led me to get a degree and a job.

2 weeks into the 9-5 grind, I knew this life wasn't for me.

So I forged an escape plan.

Here's how👇
Jan 28, 2023 13 tweets 4 min read
My Twitter business makes $20,000+ per month.

> I work 3-4 hours per day
> No employees
> Location independent

Here's the 6 step blueprint I used to build it.

It took me 2 years and $21,815+ in books, courses and coaching to learn this.

You get it for free👇 1) Profile

Your Twitter profile is a digital billboard.

It should answer 3 questions:

> What's your back story in one sentence?
> What are you building or learning?
> What can you do for me?

Add in an aesthetic profile pic and a link to your VSL, calendar or email.

Next 👇
Jan 25, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
In the last 10 years I went from:

>Soul crushing $100k/year accounting job to
>3rd world English teacher making less than minimum wage to
>Building an online business that makes over $20,000/month

Here are 5 brutal lessons I've learned since:

1) Job security keeps you lazy For most jobs, passing the interview is the hardest step. After that, you're set for life.

Unless you do something insanely stoopid, your boss won't fire you.

But when you're competing with millions of other business owners?

You have to be....
Jan 19, 2023 12 tweets 4 min read
I used to spend 60 hours a week stuck in an office cubicle wondering how to escape the rat race.

Now I make $20,000/month online without a boss, stress or working more than 15-20 hours a week.

Here are my 10 best tips to help you break free from the 9-5 as a creator in 2023: Burn your first 12 months of content.

The catch 22 of being a creator: you need valuable content to build an audience but you suck at creating.

Best way to get over this is to give yourself permission to fail for 12 months.

Put all your focus on showing up daily.
Jan 14, 2023 11 tweets 6 min read
How to build a $10,000/month online business on your lunch break with Twitter and Email.

Start up cost: $0

Here's the entire 7 step roadmap laid out for you to copy and steal: 1) Clean up your Twitter profile

I've audited 1000s of profiles and 99% of them suck.

Here's how to fix yours:
> Clean photo of your face
> Use bio to show how you can help people
> Link to your calendly or email list with a call to action (more on that below)
Jan 11, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
My 6 figure online business is run entirely based on one key skill:


Here are the 10 best writing tips I can give you after making money writing online for the past 5 years: 1) Delete adverbs.

The man didn't "hit him really hard"
He "smashed his right eye into the back of his skull"

Good writing starts with specific and visual word choice.
Jan 4, 2023 18 tweets 4 min read
Elon Musk wants to help Twitter content creators monetize.

But most people suck at creating content.

Case in point: only 2% of Twitter users have more than 1,000 followers.

So here's 7 non-obvious tips that helped me add 114,000 followers without paying for bots or boosts: Before we dive into tip number one, here's my background:

> Built an 100k+ following on Twitter + 9,317 email list with no experience
> Ghostwrite for some of your favourite brands on Twitter
> Twitter content coach for 6 fig agency owners & entrepreneurs

Let's start 👇