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Jul 22, 2021, 8 tweets

Organised by IAMC - Indian American Muslim Council - that’s Rasheed Ahmed in the middle!

Venue of resolution moved by Rasheed Ahmed of IAMC was International Religious Freedom Summit in Washington…

Summit was Co-chaired by former Ambassador at Large for International Religious Freedom, Sam Brownback (LOL) and President of the Lantos Foundation for Human Rights, Katrina Lantos Swett

Speakers and side events

Less said the better about Aam Brownback

Worst of their collaborators are folks like Sunita Vishwanath who runs Hindus for Human Rights and actively collaborated with Rasheed Ahmed of IAMC and Roja Singh of Dalit Solidarity foundation. Roja’s husband is Prince Singh @zeneraalstuff

Rasheed Ahmed, an IBM systems engineer, turned activist co- founded IAMC in 2002. He is currently its executive director and was the founding board member of the Center on Muslim Philanthropy also co-founded the US India Policy Institute and have served as its past president.

30 signatories include Action Alliance to Redress 1219, Ambedkar International Center, American Muslim Institution, Association of Indian Muslims of America, Center for Pluralism,Church of Scientology,Coalition Against Fascism in India, Coalition of Seattle Indian Americans, CAIR

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