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Ex R&D FMCG ind, C Eng. & Odysse 'CreativeWorks', & (legal) , GETTR @HowardSteen

Jul 22, 2021, 7 tweets

1. Is there any refuge on a remote mountain top?
I am taking a short break in Austria for hiking. Yesterday, decided to climb a lofty summit across the valley from where I'm staying. A long hike & 1600 metres of ascent meant a 7am start. Weather was perfect - cool in the forest -

2. so I made steady ascent up the winding trail with the views getting ever better until the 2446m summit was reached after about 4.5 hours - there's a psychology to mountain climbing I've learned over the years - concentrate on the small steps and just keep repeating the process

3. Don't be diverted by such thoughts as 'This is too tough, it hurts, I am out of breath' ... but just keep concentrating on those small steps & repeat. Then suddenly you will find there are no more steps to be made. I'd thought I might just have this summit to myself but no ...

4. ... five other people showed up. Conversation naturally turned to the only possible topic these days and it transpired that all these fellow mountain hikers were 'vaccinated'. One, was speaking enthusiastically about how her company had organised a mass vax for employees.

5. On the whole, I think mountain summits are probably safer places without being covered with Corona vaccinated people, so I waited until all these fellow travellers had left and enjoyed a further hour of total peace and solitude. On the way back down ...

6. the trail passed a cow farmer's hut. Cool beer was offered at €1.50 - an easy decision. The farmer who lives up on the alp through the summer was eager for some company and a chat. Even better, he brought out his bottle of schnapps! Conversation again turned to the topic of -

7/7 our time. This man knew exactly that something was not right, that the word politics are in a mess, that the wealthy elites have bough out our governments. He reckoned his high alp was a good place to be, but ... just to be on the safe side ... he had got himself vaccinated!

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