Ponnurangam Kumaraguru โ€œPKโ€ Profile picture
#ProfGiri #Precog #PGChairGiri @iiit_hyderabad, #VicePresidentGiri @Indiaacm, Adjunct Prof @iitmadras, TEDx Speaker, Alumni @CarnegieMellon @bitspilaniindia

Jul 22, 2021, 11 tweets

๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰ Our paper โ€œA Virus Has No Religionโ€: Analyzing Islamophobia on Twitter During the COVID-19 Outbreak, accepted at @ACMHT ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰ Work with amazing students @mohit__30 @ManvithReddy18 @shradhasgl @reallysaurabh #IIITStudentsRock
Pre-print: arxiv.org/pdf/2107.05104โ€ฆ
Findings ๐Ÿงต

We study the rise of Islamophobia on Twitter during the pandemic. We make public the CoronaIslam dataset precog.iiitd.edu.in/resources.html with 410,990 tweets from Feb-Mayโ€™20. 2000 tweets annotated as hateful and non-hateful for a binary Islamophobia-classifier

We find a link in online & offline behaviour with spikes in online tweets occurring around major real-world events. Most hateful tweets were made when news reports linked Tablighi Jamaat congregation to the spread of #COVID19. Graph with temporal spikes ๐Ÿ“‰ and table of events ๐Ÿ‘‡

We study the change in context of words โ€˜Muslimโ€™ and โ€˜Virusโ€™ through the 4 months. We find terms like โ€˜Virusโ€™ and โ€˜Covid19โ€™ are used in a semantically similar context as โ€˜Muslimโ€™ from March onwards! The term โ€˜Virusโ€™ is also increasingly associated with โ€˜Muslimโ€™.

Topic modelling yields both hateful & non-hateful topics. Hateful topics revolve around Tablighi Jamaat & blame the Muslim community for spread of virus and attack of health workers. Non hateful topics included the topic of Ramadan when Muslims donated plasma & helped others!๐Ÿค

We study user characteristics of users posting hateful & non-hateful tweets. We find an association b/w religion & how one perceives Muslims. Word clouds of bios of users w/ least to most no. of hateful tweets (L-R). Network graph shows separate communities based on hate-posting.

We study popular URLs referenced in CoronaIslam dataset.

We study content from @OpIndia_com @BBC @YouTube. OpIndia articles cover Tablighi Jamaat, BBC articles cover Uighur Muslims & COVID precautions.

Overall, we find a rise in hate sentiments towards Muslims during the pandemic. Shoutout to other works exploring racism associated with COVID.
Sinophobia studied by @zsavvas90 @jhblackb @gianluca_string @ciciling07 @realyangzhang @CISPA @iDRAMALab ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™

Asian hate studied by @cjziems, @soni_sandeep @srijaankedia @GeorgiaTech ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™
Our dataset is also obtained by filtering a larger COVID-19 dataset by @thatmchen @KristinaLerman @emilio__ferrara

Tagging organizations that fight hate-speech: @adl @APC_News @hatespeechbeda @officialuarh @nohate_speech @AkyolinEnglish

Paper again ๐Ÿ“œ : arxiv.org/pdf/2107.05104โ€ฆ

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