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Jul 22, 2021, 9 tweets

The death toll from torrential rains in central #China's Henan province increased to 33 on Thursday, while eight people still remain missing and more than 30 lakh others affected, local authorities confirmed.


A total of 3,76,000 local residents have been relocated, said the provincial emergency management department.

Rainwater has damaged more than 215,200 hectares of crops, causing a direct economic loss of about 1.22 billion yuan ($188 million), reports Xinhua news agency.


The Henan provincial meteorological observatory activated the highest level of rainstorm alert at 11 a.m. on Thursday, as rainfall is expected to continue in a number of cities including Anyang, Hebi, Xinxiang and Jiaozuo.

#ChinaFloods #China

Downpours also lashed the city of Huixian between 8 a.m. Wednesday and 6 a.m. Thursday, with precipitation reaching 400 mm.

#ChinaFloods #China

Local authorities have mobilised 39,583 rescuers for disaster relief, and 37,953 people have so far been evacuated in Huixian.

Despite the heavy rain in the region, traffic has gradually resumed in the province.

#ChinaFloods #China

Zhengzhou Xinzheng International Airport scheduled 397 flights on Thursday, 219 inbound and 178 outbound, an increase of 315 flights from the previous day.

#ChinaFloods #China

Meanwhile, 204 of Henan's 403 highway toll stations have opened, while 193 have partially opened with traffic control and six others remain closed due to water-logging and flood control.

#ChinaFloods #China

Railway authorities are making every effort to ensure supply for passengers on 35 trains stranded in Zhengzhou, while workers are clearing railway tracks to restore the traffic.

#ChinaFloods #China

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