Brother Streetjoy Profile picture
Patriot, standing on the shoulders of Giants. Bringing joy, I hope.

Jul 22, 2021, 7 tweets

1/ Wow. I know I’ve focused less on this lately but check out the upcoming deltas



2/ Moar 7/24/2018

Dark to LIGHT
You are witnessing...
What a wonderful day
& a repost

3/ the 2019 deIta

Uhh, remember this?

4/ Moar 7/24/2019

Something decIassed 22 years early that will be important
Reposts with [KNOWlNGLY] x3

5/ 7/24/2019 deIta cont.

Many reposts with “worth remembering”

Difficult truths will soon be...

2019 Year of the...

6/ Today is exactly the 2 year delta for this


Hunters become...

This is not another...

Repost of Ezra...


7/ One year delta, several reposts

That’s about it

But historically, this week has been hella cray with the comms to the Monster “han/ging himself”

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