Wes Andrews Profile picture
Int’l & Sec Affairs, GeoStrategist, Business Innovator, Asia Addict, China Hand, Fmr @Cuse Sprinter & AFG Vet |@HarvardHBS |@MIIS |@ColumbiaSIPA |@EngineeringSU

Jul 22, 2021, 9 tweets

So far, China’s authorities have announced an unimaginable death toll of only ~33 dead & 8 missing in the Henan floods (contrast w/Germany flooding ~180 ppl lost). Some Weibo msg tracking reveals at least ~1,000 dead via photos/comment… #ChinaFloods #河南 #郑州 #洪水 #Zhengzhou

Post-flood scenes like this in Zhengzhou, solidify that despite CPC govt ‘positive energy’ #正能量 cleanup vibes—unlikely we’ll see accurate flood casualty numbers associated w/the tragedy that impacted cities like Zhengzhou #郑州, and its ~11M citizens.

Time-elapsed 4hrs (13:40-17:40) in Zhengzhou, Henan Province—traffic tunnels & the subway/metro (in particular) were impacted severely w/water drainage & flooding issues in a very short period of time.

Many Chinese Netizens & Henan locals worry & wonder about areas such as the 4km tunnel running along Zhengzhou City’s JingGuang Ave. #京广路隧道—wondering how many cars & ppl were likely trapped & poss killed in that underground traffic tunnel. #ChinaFloods #河南 #郑州 #洪水

As the waters have receded from the 4km tunnel running along Zhengzhou City’s JingGuang Ave. #京广路隧道—people ⬆️ wonder how many ppl were likely trapped & killed in that underground traffic tunnel. #ChinaFloods #郑州大雨

The Zhengzhou City’s JingGuang Ave. #京广路隧道 tunnel was drained ~8am local time, and the area was sealed off—so far there are no known police or official death figures.

Hundreds of vehicles & passengers were trapped in the Zhengzhou City’s JingGuang Ave. #京广路隧道 tunnel at the time of the torrential rains on 20 July. #ChinaFloods #Henan #河南
#河南郑州 #京广路隧道灾情
#暴雨 #特大洪水

As some have commented, the flooding in Henan #河南—for example here on Binhe Road 滨河路 in the city of Dengfeng 登封 (w/a population of ~700k ppl), near Zhengzhou #郑州—looked like scenes from a disaster movie on Tuesday, 20 July.

Henan province #河南省 is home to ~94M people. The capital Zhengzhou received ~617 mm of rainfall in only 3 days while wider Henan Province reportedly received 200mm or more w/a vast majority on Tuesday, 20 July as rain is forecasted to continue…floodlist.com/asia/china-hen…

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