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Photography instructor & tour leader, award-winning astrophotographer, travel guidebook author: @BasinSchool @DSLRastronomy

Jul 22, 2021, 15 tweets

The Tamarack Fire is pretty close to the homes at Holbrook Junction right now.

The Tamarack Fire appears to be into the neighborhood st Holbrook Junction now.

Air drop at Holbrook Junction. These little pontoon planes are scooping water atTopaz Lake over the hill. #TamarackFire

The Tamarack Fire is clearly across Hwy 395 north of Holbrook Junction.

Pan showing southward spread on ridge above the neighborhood. Holbrook Junction. Not good. Bigger air drops are needed. VLATs. #TamarackFire

Tamarack Fire above Holbrook Junction now clearly visible from neighborhood at Topaz Lake.

Winds are now gusty and erratic, MUCH stronger. You can see the smoke trailing sideways, conditions very dark on the ground. A VLAT #105) had an aborted run. A large helicopter gave up trying to fly to the burning houses. #TamarackFire

Air tanker #164 just dropped a line of retardant behind us, between Holbrook Junction and the neighborhood at Topaz Lake! #TamarackFire

Large yellow helicopter just took advantage of some smoke clearing to get a drop in. #TamarackFire

VLAT #10 just extended the line of retardant over the neighborhood at Topaz Lake.#TamarackFire

One of two SEATs dropping retardant at Topaz Lake. LAT #105 just did too. #TamarackFire

Another retardant drop just now, as seen from the neighborhood at Topaz Lake. #TamarackFire

We had to go back and evacuate our dog, etc. Will watch from afar.
Winds are expected to shift tonight and push the fire south. #TamarackFire

Tamarack Fire smoke is now coming toward Topaz Lake. Fire continues to advance. Wind is shifting toward us. #TamarackFire

Scariest part is the rest of the fire line over the hill.

Smoke is away from us at the moment and wind is low, but there is a lot that can come at us if the wind shifts (per the forecast). #TamarackFire #StormHour

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