Alok Bhatt Profile picture
A proud Indian; RTs are not endorsements- all my content can be copied without giving any credit .

Jul 23, 2021, 7 tweets

1. A parking is under construction at Sri Badrinath Ji-appx 1 km b4 temple premises near ISBT & Hospital
2.Contractor is a local Harendra Panwar
3. 15 Muslim labourers, working on the project offered namaz inside that 1 level, already completed!

4. No video or photo of namaz is available & no one is sure of it being a reality
5. Still police acted on suspicion & filed a case under act for unlawful assembly during pandemic (surely folks will shout at this but 295A is not applicable here

1. Namaz was offered at a place earmarked for same Vs fact: alleged namaz ,was offered inside parking enclosure already compete
2. A genius was saying that namaz was offered inside temple -well have some shame before maligning sacred temple

3. A Maulvi was called -claim refuted by @chamolipolice via SP Chamoli
4. Per police, there is no evidence of namaz being offered and still it has, in keeping with the importance and sacred nature of our dham, acted and filed FIR

Issue to ponder -
1. Govt didn’t award this to Muslim contractor but a Hindu one
2. On the prob of Muslims labourers in hills,this issue has been raised many a times by me as well as many other well meaning folks here. This is a serious issue & need to be dealt @ society level!

Issue to ponder -
3. Did Govt not act against news of namaz being offered near Badrinath Ji ? YES Govt has acted & FIR has been filed

Solution-all retired babus outraging on such issues shud start a co & provide Hindu labourers across India-will help deal with demography issue

Copy of FIR

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