RWinstanley-Chesters Profile picture
Dr Winstanley-Chesters, University of Edinburgh, University of Leeds, Bath Spa, f ANU, York St John, huge Bela Tarr and Pastels fan.…

Jul 23, 2021, 6 tweets

as the heat lifts in West Yorkshire #rodong has some culinary thoughts 'We are now in the sweltering heat of midsummer. The wholesome traditional dishes of the nation are accordingly very popular among the people everywhere in our country...' #NorthKorea…

'...From ancient times our people have enjoyed hot tangogi soup and cooked foxtail millet and perspired copiously during the period of sweltering midsummer heat to counter heat with heat and invigorate their bodies well...'

'...It has long been said that chicken dishes, too, vitalize oneself. "Samgyetang" is a tonic. It is prepared by stuffing a chicken with glutinous rice, whole bulbs of garlics, ginseng, etc and boiling it hard. In the ingredients, ginseng is of the essence...'

'...From olden times the people of Pyongyang have enjoyed eating cooked rice mixed with various kinds of boiled meats, edible grass and so on, plus a spitchcock during the period of sweltering midsummer heat...'

'...Our national dishes do themselves fuller justice today developing our culinary and dietary culture' #NorthKorea #rodong #spitchcock…

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