Noor Dahri - نور ڈاہری ‎ 🇬🇧 Profile picture
Exec. Director @ITCTofficial▐ Writer▐ Researcher▐ CT-Expert @itssverona▐ Author/Editor -6 Books▐ Advisor @Covints & @AgainstAntisem▐ Salafi▐ @Conservatives

Jul 23, 2021, 7 tweets


1-I was in searching of the truth behind the #Israeli spy #NSO software #Pegasus. I made contact with Ex Israeli Intelligence Service officials to find out the fact.
They informed me the information that really shocked me. The same powers were behind the propaganda news

2- Who were behind the propaganda news of Jamal Khashoggi against the KSA. Qatar & Turkey are behind spreading the fake news about NSO’s security software Pegasus. Indeed, the software exists but it’s a false information that NSO targeted the journalists and government officials.

3- #NSO software #Pegasus never hacked anyone nor they enlisted any target & neither NSO sold the software to any private or security organisation but Governments. It doesn’t work like this. In this case, NSO can’t be blamed but such states who misused the software.
For example:

3- What do you know about #NSO ?

The company has no Servers in #Cyprus, as mentioned, they sell only to governments and not to companies or private customers. Each customer has a license to track 100 targets per year, the customer is the one who selects the targets.

5-NSO is not involved in target selection or tracking & does not have the tracking details. NSO does not operate the system but only installs it, performs training and leaves. They don't sell to all governments requesting, the policy is that not every government needs such tools.

6- #NSO has about 50 customers, about half of theme are European countries, but I emphasize that the company refused to sell to the other 60 countries that approached it. Since 2010 NSO has been under the supervision of MoD.

7- This tool (#Pegasus) is not intend to eliminate regimes opponents in certain countries but to deal with terrorism and organised crime. There are many states (Intel Communities) that used this software successfully against terrorism and criminal syndicates across the word.

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