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Jul 24, 2021, 13 tweets

Much of chaos in Lutyens Delhi when I-T raided Bhaskar, a group of businesses, as 'Attack on Freedom of Media'. Almost in no time, Agarwals & other 'usual suspects' played the dumbest victim-card.

Are they really only a media co. with clean books?

Read on..

Let's not address it as Dainik Bhaskar but 'Agarwals' only. Besides media & publications, Agarwals owns not just 5-10-30 but 81 companies, of power, radio, real estate, textiles, & whatnot! (P1)
For your easy ref. Asia's richest Ambani owns 13 cos.


Look at how the Agarwal's (Sudhir, Girish, Pawan) web of business looks like (P1, P2, P3).

If I start writing on every business, their Finance, this thread will never end.

Spend two of min time just to read the companies name.


There are as many as 15 Agarwals family names appears in their annual financial reports, however, 3 are main and the rest appears as proxies. (check pic)


Don't buy their 'ek garib hindi akhbar sarkar dwara pratadit' logic, they are full-scale rich industrialist family (P1) with 22,363Cr revenue only from media & publication business (FY19-20) (P3), established since 1958 (P2), named in Panama diaries too. No surprises.

Now, what are the charges? Huge tax evasion by GROUP claiming bogus expenses using shell entities (81 cos are in Fin report!!). The money siphoned off & routed back in form of share premium, investment & FDI (Mauritius-based shell entities).

Do you really buy Arfa's story?

Let me remind you that in 2018 also Agrawals were grilled by EOW in MPSIDC (alleged) ICD scam over several sections of anti-corruption & loan default. However, the cases were withdrawn after 'one time repaid settlement reached' in 2019.

Now, newsportal gets Chinese funding, peddles fake news, & another attempt fin fraud, whenever agencies question, this locust swarm (टिड्डी दल) makes a formation & starts humming predictable narrative. Beware & make others aware.
8/8 #DainikBhaskar

++9/ just got a 'never published' info from a credible source that DB owns huge building in Chandigarh, which they rented out illegally. Some 'interesting business houses' hosting there and they never paid water bills 😐🤦🏻 'Freedom of press!?' My 👞
More info awaiting on this..

This is what "स्वतंत्र भास्कर" is doing: Rs 2200Cr of dubious transactions within group & "unrelated business". So far Rs 700 Cr of income escapement found and, may be more as investigation into such maze of money may take weeks or months of time.

Agarwals make their own employees director of farzi companies in rotation. Bhatnagar & Sawla alone are director of dozen cos. They are loyalist of Agarwals. Sawla runs Agarwals' NGO also which is allegedly involved in millions of scam misusing govt. schemes.

In the camouflage of 'media co.' Agarwal buys govt land in subsidised rates then use it as commercial space, rents, etc. In one of such case, they have encroached govt land too.


Note : NO MSM publication would write against any other publications for obvious reasons. Such scandal would largely remain under cover. Therefore requesting to spread/RT/Tag your favourite handle to expand reach of this thread.

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