🥕Devesh Rai, MD🥕 Profile picture
CVD Fellow @InstituteSands | @Cardionerds Faculty | #AHAFIT Blogger | Imaging & Prevention | #Vegetarian | Husband | Dad | Tweet=Opinion | 🇮🇳❤️🇺🇸

Jul 24, 2021, 13 tweets

1/ The great debate begins with an intro by @DrMarthaGulati!!

What an incredible program with unique guests.

4/5 debaters are WIC!!


Let the debate begin.

Vote in the last.

2/43 Year/M with pre-DM and obesity with a recent gain of 19 lb during pandemic seeks a diet opinion from various experts:

Chol: 240, LDL: 140
Apo B: 120
HbA1c: 5.8%

Which diet is right??


Mediterranean diet:

Rich is legumes, Grains
Olive oil is the key
Low in fish, milk, and dairy products


Mediterranean Diet has shown to be proven in multiple studies to be preventive of MACE in 5-25 year follow up.

Beneficial in primary and secondary prevention.


What is the best way to debate??

99% of the time it's a quote!!



Who is the fist person to debate about plant-based diet
Plant-based diet is not just fruits, it includes whole foods as well.
BROAD study, weight loss in 6 months
Ad Libitum: Plant-based diet is better than the keto diet group and it lead to body fat loss

@DBelardoMD Saturated fat should be replaced by PUFA to decrease LDL

The vegetarian diet has been shown to be associated with decreasing cardiovascular mortality.


Keto-Friendly South Beach Diet: Tailored diet to the patient

How to identify pre-pre-diabetes and help patients better.

Kraft Testing could be the answer.


Americans are eating all the time shows the feedogram.

We need to cut down on the frequency of diet intake.

Also, the Kraft testing seems to be intuitive.


Ketogenic diet: Severely carbohydrate-restricted diet and very high-fat diet


Kick start the weight loss!!

Who is the ideal candidate for the keto diet?


However, there are some concerns with the ketogenic diet and we have to monitor it.

A small trial for 4-6 months can be attempted and see how one can tolerate it.




Poll for the winner!!

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