🥕Devesh Rai, MD🥕 Profile picture
Cardiologist @InstituteSands | @Cardionerds Faculty || Imaging & Prevention | #Vegetarian | Husband | Dad | Tweet=Opinion | 🇮🇳❤️🇺🇸
Jul 24, 2021 13 tweets 9 min read
1/ The great debate begins with an intro by @DrMarthaGulati!!

What an incredible program with unique guests.

4/5 debaters are WIC!!


Let the debate begin.

Vote in the last. 2/43 Year/M with pre-DM and obesity with a recent gain of 19 lb during pandemic seeks a diet opinion from various experts:

Chol: 240, LDL: 140
Apo B: 120
HbA1c: 5.8%

Which diet is right??

Jul 23, 2021 14 tweets 10 min read

Evolution of ABCs of Primary Prevention by Cardiac disease

How the guidelines have changed over the last two decade

@rickferraro getting plugged at #ASPC2021 ABCDEF of prevention is important!!

A: Assess risk
C: Cholesterol/Cigarette
D: Diabetes/Diet/Weight
E: Exercise/Education
F: Failure

Shared decision making is the key to the prevention

Apr 23, 2021 21 tweets 10 min read
#CardioTwitter #CardioNerds #GITwitter How do you approach GI Bleed in patients with LVAD, we'll follow a patient from presentation to discharge

72 Y/F s/p LVAD 1 year ago presented with 🩸🩸in 💩 Image Learning objectives😎☑️☑️

☑️Identification GIB in a patient with LVAD

☑️Predictive factors for LVAD and GIB

☑️Diagnosis and management approach of GIB & LVAD🩸🩸🆎🅰️🅱️🅾️

☑️Primary and Secondary prevention of recurrent GIB
Feb 23, 2021 17 tweets 14 min read
When do you typically discharge your patients post-TAVR?

Check out the 🧵 below for a #tweetorial about same-day discharge following #TAVR!

@tavrkapadia @Edwards_TAVR @TAVRBot @cardioPCImom @SripalBangalore @SrihariNaiduMD @Pooh_Velagapudi @ehj_ed @DLBHATTMD @JPDeptaMD After this thread 🧵, you'll:

✅Recognize common complications🩺 after TAVR

✅Understand the feasibility of Same-Day Discharge (#SDD) and predictors of Next Day Discharge (NDD) after TAVR.

@CCIJournal #TAVR @WaqasTahir