Cassie Roma 🌈 Profile picture
Executive Leader | Creativity + Strategy | Change Maker | Kindness Warrior | Onward, with love… ❤️

Jul 25, 2021, 15 tweets

If you’re curious about New Zealand’s quarantine process, I’ll be sharing a bit about it.

Mostly because it’s fascinating, novel, & a tip-toe into a #newnormal that is changing by the hour for so many of us across the globe.

STEP ONE: take that first step.


STEP TWO: all aboard the magic bus.


STEP THREE: Health check (physical & mental health, happy to see this up front), security check, border crossing… (the wait was very minimal & comfortable).

So far, so good.


STEP FOUR: back on the bus...this time to our quarantine facility.


STEP FIVE: we’ll all get there alive!

Clear communication on what to expect. This dude is an absolute legend. “Hurry up & wait will happen a lot…”


STEP SIX: we wait… happily.
I wonder if anyone on this bus brought a guitar? I feel like a campfire sing-a-long would be fab now.


STEP SEVEN: check in& check out the menu

Also, today is DAY ZERO.
We test today, again on day 3, & then on day 12.

Fantastic communication thus far.
Kind humans.
Lots of information.

All of it helps make this feel “normal.” Kia Ora.


STEP EIGHT: let’s make this great!

The Navy is here to greet us & get us off the bus.

Getting the families with kids to disembark first. Good strategy. 😆

Bubbles are being formed.

I wonder if lasting friendships will be too? From a 2m distance, obvs.


STEP NINE: breathe deep & stand in line

- people are stressed
- kids are overtired & overwhelmed
- Navy & hotel staff very calm & lovely

Check in was a breeze.


STEP TEN: all settled in

The next best feeling to this will be a shower! More updates later.

My room is tiny, but the WiFi & coffee are strong. All is well.

#NZQuarantine #DayZero

STEP ELEVEN: fill the tank

A few ghost knocks at my door & I’ve been delivered some kai/food for breakfast.

So far so good, but I think I’ll be forgoing the hotel food for Countdown or Uber Eats. @hunterkelly sometimes there are too many carbs!

Time will tell.



Nurse Judy rings my room to go through an initial health chat & lets me know that my first (day zero) covid test will happen soon.

There are 150 of us that need to be tested, so patience will be key Grasshopper.

Again, good comms.


STEP THIRTEEN: no one will starve here…

Another knock at the door & a delicious delivery awaits.

#NZQuarantine #agirlisfed

STEP FOURTEEN: schnoz tickle number 1 👃

Just had the gentlest covid swab of my life (words I never thought I’d type 18 months ago) from a nurse with kind eyes & an infectious laugh (hopefully the only infectious thing in the room.)

Back to emails.
And snacks.


STEP FIFTEEN: a delivery of dreams🦄

Last update. I’m settled. Tested. And have had an amazing delivery of food, yoga mat, & my guitar.

Now it’s time for Olympics & The Chase. Well done, Aotearoa. Quarantine has been gentle on my expat heart thus far. ♥️


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