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Jul 25, 2021, 27 tweets

Dmytro Firtash just been indicted by Ukraine for collaborating with Russians (killing Ukrainians in the east every day). Dominic Cummings brother-in-law was a director of DF Foundation 2008-2013. Resigned 1 day after Chicago court indicted Firtash (sealed by court 30th June 2013)

Ukraine imposes sanctions against tycoon Firtash - decree…

On June 30, 2013, US filed a 5-count indictment against 6 alleged conspirators, including Firtash and Knopp. - Indictment charges planning to bribe Indian public officials, conspiring to engage in acts that would violate two federal statutes: the Money Laundering Control Act

In the UK due to language constraints Firtash has another man 'manage his affairs' - all documented publicly because he's a good boy - but all mysteriously connected to no end of Tories

Jack Wakefield erstwhile Director of the Firtash Foundation....Mary Wakefield (commissioning editor of the Spectator and Mrs Dominic Cummings) - Jack was a founder of Firtash's charity - wonder what Dymtro saw in him? (or was he looking at 'the others') and he was a seat warmer?

Tory Cabinet Minister's Dad was Chair of Newsmax - the now well-known spewer of pro-Russian pro-Trump propaganda -

Newsmax had ONE paid employee of Dmytro Firtash 'on the advisory board in 2014' Lord Risby - currently Trade Advisor to Bojo Johnsonski. And Andrew Neil (Spectator) and founder of Legatum financed GB News which spews hostile populist hate propaganda

Co-founder of Rees-Mogg's Somerset Asset Management also worked at Lloyd George Asset Management with him (as did the Director of Appleby's Bermuda Tonasan Amissah) - investing big in Russian stocks has been a habit stretching back 25 years

Here you go - but it was the same every year - "Russia, Russia, Russia"

Siberian Investment Company had a Director who has been a Vladimir Putin financial sherpa/expert for 20 years - and he was for Boris Yeltsin as well Oleg Preksin (so a direct link via Lloyd George where Rees-Mogg worked straight back to the Kremlin)

Preksin is Vice President of the Association of Russian Banks - also on the board a former Cyprus Finance Minister (where did Russian oligarchs run too - clue? I just told you in the tweet Cyprus)

Preksin is NOT anything other than top echelon Putin boy

Preksin credentials

Preksin is part of the Tory linked Moscow International Finance Centre Initiative alongside the Tory Party's top PR man David Burnside - the CityUK and MIFCI worked in tandem to 'raise Moscow exchanges stock trading practices'

Firtash had a team of 'bought' politicians on tap Larry Davis (his lawyer) - but Lord Risby + Tim Bell (Bell Pottinger) John Whittingdale and Charles Saatchi all notable inclusions (Thatcher's children)

Here's Burnside and Preksin side-by-side on the Moscow International Finance Centre Initiative running order

Here's Lord Risby 'admitting he worked for Firtash' December 14 - to the Wall Street Journal - he resigns shortly after and goes to work for Zander Group (also run by Firtash)

Risby also had Spadi Trading in his back pocket (Firtash) and Spadi is the TOP INVESTOR in Zander Group by miles

Zander Group - top investor Spadi Trading (Firtash) - has JCB chief Sir Anthony Bamford (massive Leave fan) Tchenguiz Bros (Vantania Holdings) and Rees-Mogg

Also on board in Zander was a director was Stuart Pearson - jailed for a massive AIM market fraud

Where's Rees-Mogg? LG Antenna Fund he RAN IT - so unless he had a sick note from nanny he invested in Zander too - alongside Firtash - and unless he was a shit fund mgr - he knew Firtash was an investor

Our Brazilian bank heist jailbird and Zander Group director

Report on the heist (it does smell of Firtash BTW?)

The head of Zander Goup Earl Asquith/Lord Oxford - he is a member of Firtash's global company board and has been for years

Earl Asquith's brother worked for Firtash (briefly)

Asquith's son works for Rees-Mogg

This is hard to explain - someone photographed the Tory Party cabinet minutes 3 March 2014 - a couple of days after the MoD sold Firtash a £53m ex tube station (on Guardian front page) Tories trying to 'adjust Ukraine messaging'

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