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Patriot, standing on the shoulders of Giants. Bringing joy, I hope.

Jul 26, 2021, 7 tweets


Do you know Huey Long?

If you’re from Louisiana you sure do

If not: he was the biggest non-Kennedy threat to [Them] long before Kennedys or Trumps came on the scene

& the expected outcome came about

2/ Know: we wouldn’t like a lot of his policies

But we’d also like a lot of his actions

He was operating in Great Depression, decades before WWII & McCarthyism

He became the Governor then a Senator, with an extremely populist following

That last one remind you of anyone?

3/ And if you know Louisiana, you know corruption festers just as grotesquely as DC & NYC

He was crushing them: corporate & political

The oil monopolies & the Mayor of New Orleans

He also set up major infrastructure, & dismantled the sex worker industry

The people loved him

4/ He also was sick of us fucking with other countries & didn’t want to enter the World Court

Paramilitary orgs tried to kill him

He broke out the NG again

He started spooking Roosevelt; & Long responded by saying he’d arrest any Fed that infringed on the 10th Amendment

5/ Roosevelt & allies pulled ALL the tricks

- Investigated Long’s people with a weaponized IRS

- Trumped up a bullshit Impeachment trial

(Sounding familiar?)

But Long was a Dem & he was a BIG threat to Roosevelt

Then in a “providential occurrence”

...he was shot to death

6/ The thing is, the cause of his murder is still debated

It was a lone shooter with minimal reasoning

or he was “accidentally” shot as his bodyguards shot the original “shooter” 24 times

7/ Witnesses say Weiss only punched Long

& the insurance investigation for the payout of Long’s death

kept secret for *50 Years*

Say he was shot by his bodyguards

All I could think:

“When was it reported Trump Jr dropped his SS detail?”

This has been going on forever


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