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Jul 26, 2021, 8 tweets

5 years of no justice, no peace under Duterte, say progressive groups

KARAPATAN: This is Duterte’s only legacy: a full-blown human rights crisis and democratic backsliding in the Philippines


KARAPATAN says that apart from thousands killed under the drug war (6,117 accdg to PNP; 30,000+ estimate by rights groups), it has documented 414 victims of EJK under counterinsurgency campaigns. 713 political prisoners


Tanggol Bayi says 61 out of the 414 victims of extrajudicial killings under the Duterte administration’s counter-insurgency campaign were women, including the likes of Zara Alvarez. Calls for a stop to the killings.

The Integrated Bar of PH has counted 63 lawyers killed under Duterte admin — deputy city prosecutor Victor Begtang, Jr. on June 23 inside his house in Apayao and the killing of lawyer Sitti Gilda Mahinay-Sapie in Davao City on July 14. IBP alarmed over the killings.


SELDA likens Duterte’s last 5 years to Marcos’ martial law while KAPATID warns rights abuses will only escalate and the number of political prisoners will only grow with the implementation of the Anti-Terror law.

Anakpawis accuses Duterte of abandoning the poor during the pandemic and of prioritizing ensuring their family’s political dynasty will live on to protect him from the International Criminal Court.

The National Union of Peoples’ Lawyers says the case at the International Criminal Court against the President’s drug war continues to move. Says rights lawyers, people will seek vindication for weaponizing the law in courts, on the ballot, in the streets.

Migrante Middle East accuses Duterte govt of abandoning OFWs during the pandemic while Student Christian Movement of PH hits economic policies that allegedly adversely affect the poor.

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