Israel Profile picture
The official X account of the State of Israel (yes it’s really us) run by the @IsraelMFA team

Jul 26, 2021, 6 tweets


@benandjerrys likes to brand itself as a social justice company with flavors like "JusticeReMix'd & "Empower Mint."

But when it comes to promoting social equality and diversity in #Israel, that doesn't seem to be the case.

Here's what we mean ⬇️:

@BenJerrysIsrael buys the majority of its milk from local Israeli farmers.

Shutting down the factory would hurt the farmers and their families.

Most of the workers at the @BenJerrysIsrael factory, live in or near the Gaza Envelope.

They live under constant rocket fire from Hamas and other terror groups in Gaza & are one of Israel's most vulnerable populations.

The Israeli factory employs Jews & Arabs, Ethiopians, Ultra-Orthodox, refugees & other minorities, a symbol of diversity and tolerance.

Closing the factory down will not promote social justice. It will impede social justice.

@BenJerrysIsrael funds multiple programs which bring Jews & Arabs together and empower some of Israel's weakest communities.

These programs will end if the factory closes.

In short, if you actually care about social justice & tolerance, join us in supporting @BenJerrysIsrael & asking @benandjerrys to stand by their commitment in creating an equal & tolerant society for all.

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