David H. Montgomery Profile picture
"A French history podcaster and enormous goshdang nerd after our own hearts" — @andrewvandam. Host of @thesiecle; senior data journalist with @YouGovAmerica.

Jul 26, 2021, 6 tweets

As expected, Minnesota’s fourth #COVID19 wave is continuing to grow — but so far, at least, it remains at very low levels compared to what we’ve seen over the past year and a half.

This is true even if you just look at rates as a share of the unvaccinated population. The increase looks steeper here, but we’re not at levels comparable to the last two waves. (Though note: testing volume is much lower now, so unconfirmed cases may be higher.)

Here’s how Minnesota's current wave compares to past waves, by positivity rate. We’re much lower than even the comparatively mild Spring 2021 wave, and the pace of increase remains modest (so far).

#COVID19 hospital admissions are rising, but at comparatively slow paces so far.

Cases are rising in every region of the state, but especially East Central MN and the unvaccinated parts of the Twin Cities metro.

To reiterate: the fact that so far cases are growing more slowly than past rates does NOT mean that case growth can’t accelerate in the near future. It just means it hasn’t so far.

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