Soviet Child Profile picture
Artists share their collection and love of media arts with an emphasis on the countries of the former Soviet Union. Jude Montague @judemontague.

Jul 27, 2021, 6 tweets

"The Spring March" written by Esfir (Esteher) Emden and illustrated by and illustrated by Vera Ivanova in 1930. The book might be about the first meeting of pioneers which was held a year earlier, in August 1929, and the First International Children's Congress was held then too.

"The Spring March" written by Esfir (Esteher) Emden and illustrated by and illustrated by Vera Ivanova in 1930. #soviet #sovietart

"The Spring March" written by Esfir (Esteher) Emden and illustrated by and illustrated by Vera Ivanova in 1930. #soviet #sovietart

"The Spring March" written by Esfir (Esteher) Emden and illustrated by and illustrated by Vera Ivanova in 1930. #soviet #sovietart

"The Spring March" written by Esfir (Esteher) Emden and illustrated by and illustrated by Vera Ivanova in 1930. #soviet #sovietart

"The Spring March" written by Esfir (Esteher) Emden and illustrated by and illustrated by Vera Ivanova in 1930. #soviet #sovietart

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