Dr David Boyce Profile picture
Head of Expeditions and Teacher of Physics at @UppinghamSchool. Space enthusiast 🚀 Rock Climbing and Paddlesport Instructor. Mountain Leader. 🏔

Jul 27, 2021, 5 tweets

Today's project. #ClimbingTeacher These white V3s. A problem because one of the left hand holds is too far to reach when you are already pulled in on the right hand. 🤔 I will crack this. Just got to think outside of the box.

And here lies the problem. That hold is just too far away. There must be a different way of solving this.

Nope. ☹ I am not convinced this can be done static.

Time for a dyno! Full commitment. No turning back. Apologies for the weird sounds I make but SMASHED IT! #ClimbingTeacher

V3 DYNO! Confident a pupil will show me how to do this static and point out that there is a much easier way of doing it. But Hay 🤷🏻‍♂️

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