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Jul 27, 2021, 14 tweets

New numbers released by the MN BCA for 2020 Uniform Crime Report statewide.

Minnesota recorded a 16.6 percent increase in violent crimes in 2020.

Most notably, there were 185 murders in 2020 in Minnesota compared to 117 in 2019, an increase of 58.1 percent.

After a significant downward trend over the past several years, arson rose 53.7 percent over 2019.
There were 710 arsons reported in 2020 and 462 in 2019. 

Motor vehicle theft rose 19.7 percent in 2020 with 13,662 vehicles stolen as compared to 11,410 in 2019.
The 2020 total is the highest since 2005.

Bias crimes rose sharply in 2020 with 223 incidents reported – the highest number in 15 years.
Forty-one percent of the 2020 incidents were motivated by anti-Black or African American bias.

There were 31 officer involved shooting incidents reported in 2020, an increase of six over 2019, and almost evenly split between the Twin Cities metro and Greater Minnesota. 

There were 667 incidents in 2020 where an officer (s) were assaulted in the line of duty.
This is a 62 percent increase over 2019, and more than any other year on record.

There were 81 human trafficking-commercial sex crimes in 2020, down from 128 in 2019.

The value of property stolen in 2020 topped $216 million, a 54.5% increase over 2019.
Some of the biggest increases were in the value of stolen food and grooming products, money and vehicles.


Agencies reported the following race information for use-of-force incidents.

White (21)

Black (14)

Unknown/Not Reported (5)

American Indian (3)

Asian (3)

The BCA's framing of this stat info is precious.

Further breakdown on "bias" crimes by bias motivation type and type of offense and race of the offender/suspect.


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