MISI: Solidariti Profile picture
A youth-led collective aspiring to empower society through the value of direct action in Malaysian activism.

Jul 28, 2021, 5 tweets

1/ The government needs to PAY ATTENTION.

The Semai Orang Asli are dying.

#JagaHakOrangAsli #KembalikanTanahAdat #SavePosLanai

2/ If we do nothing, time will have run out for them by the end of this year.

#JagaHakOrangAsli #KembalikanTanahAdat #SavePosLanai

3/ If you're not sure what's been happening and how it has impacted the Semai Orang Asli, here's a short summary:

#KembalikanTanahAdat #JagaHakOrangAsli #SavePosLanai

4/ Your voice matters more than ever for them.

Your voice could change everything.
Our Orang Asli needs us. We must show up for them.

#JagaHakOrangAsli #KembalikanTanahAdat #SavePosLanai

5/ Sign the petition now. Repost our demands NOW.

Shed light on this issue NOW.

Time is of essence.

Visit our website for everything you need.


#JagaHakOrangAsli #KembalikanTanahAdat #SavePosLanai

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