Not only did the authorities arrest Sarah, they INTIMIDATED HER MOTHER, RAIDED HER HOUSE AND CONFISCATED HER PHONE. This technique of intimidation is BARBARIC.
In remote solidarity with her tweet the hashtag #FreeSarah from 8PM.
Pihak berkuasa semakin berani menunjukkan belang mereka. Selain daripada menahan Sarah, mereka menggugat ibunya, menggeledah rumah dan merampas telefonya. Apa yang pihak berkuasa telah buat sgt biadab.
1/ In times of a covid-19 crisis, many are puzzled as to why doctors are choosing to go on a strike today by conducting a mass walkout at their respective hospitals.
These past few weeks we saw many xenophobic remarks towards migrants in Malaysia, more so after the Al-Jazeera documentary on their mistreatment during the lockdown was released; but why do many still deny this?This thread explains the issue and the #MigranJugaManusia movement 1/
Throughout the MCO, areas that were heavily populated by refugees and undocumented migrants were raided by police and immigration. The raids saw hundreds of people including children carted off, without masks provided or enforcing social distancing. 2/