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Theology at the intersection of woke and cringe. Christchud. Subversion detector. Public meme-ologian.

Jul 28, 2021, 12 tweets

Truett Seminary endorsing Ibram Kendi by name and some far-left books in links down in this video's description:

clips incoming

Screenshots from a Google Doc promoted in the talk: "This is not something that we put together...there is a way that we can facilitate education where we're not over-burdening our black brothers and sisters who are managing this trauma in the ways that they need to."

"I use Ibram Kendi's definition of racist ideas: that a racist idea is any idea in which a racial group is considered inferior to another racial group in any way, and so when white people benefit from that construction, that's what white supremacy is."

Malcolm Foley

"There hasn't been a period of American history in which racial domestic terrorism has not been a factor of black life."

"Reconciliation requires that there's a peace that we're returning to, and this country has never known actual active racial peace in its entire history...We don't have a model."

"Centuries of terrorism, and I use that word very intentionally, it is a difficult weight to bear."

"If you are a pastor and...you've never confessed of racist ideas personally...that's reason for pause. If you begin now, you must recognize that the time that you spent not talking about...this has left destruction in its wake. People are wounded by past indifference + silence."

A new cosmology:

"If you're a minister in this country...the people that you're ministering to are essentially members of one of three categories: they have either ignored racial trauma, they have caused racial trauma, or they have suffered from racial trauma."

"Pastoral care is the regular and normal work of the minister...It's the discernment of when and what to protest, of how to vote in such a way to support the oppressed, because that's what Christ calls us to."

"if you're in a space where you feel like you have to constantly justify your own existence, let your elders and pastors know, because they ought to respond with repentance...If there's a refusal to engage in this kind of healing as pastoral care...it counts as abuse."

Moderator: You mentioned Kendi + one of his quotes is "The heartbeat of antiracism is confession." Why are we so hesitant to confess?


MF: Kendi's work is incredibly important, because it reminds us...it's not the case that racism begins in hate, it begins in self-interest .


MF: The debate over lynching wasn't a debate over racism. Even segregation wasn't a debate over racism. All the focus on those particular practices overshadowed the underlying disease.


Mod: There's freedom in confession, yes, but it's a hard hard walk, for sure.

Edited these clips into a montage. The moderator names the women who put together the crazy Google Doc referenced above, so I looked up their profiles, and uhhhhhhhhhhh

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