Woke Preacher Clips Profile picture
Theology at the intersection of woke and cringe. Subversion detector. Public meme-ologian. Fairly nuanced fundie.
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Feb 28 5 tweets 3 min read
A PCA Mission To North America (MNA) employee under Irwyn Ince speaks out in support of the segregated event that has caused controversy in the past week.

Kellie Brown, the MNA staffer who suggested the Trump assassination attempt in PA was "staged," says "safe spaces" for minorities are the reason she remains in the PCA.

Brown and her husband Howard Brown are currently planting a church for the PCA, "Kindred Hope," which advises white Christians to become "allies" and financial backers rather than congregants.

"There's a lot of conversation around diversity. And a lot of, sadly, Christians are saying that we shouldn't have spaces for black folks, that it's divisive and whatnot. And I actually am a testimony that that's just not true.

When minority people have a safe space to be themselves and to share their hearts, and that space is protected and initiated and supported by the majority culture that's around them, then that makes them feel even safer, and it actually pushes us closer to being one church.

And a lot of voices out there would lie and manipulate that and make it seem like it creates divisiveness, but  Christ Central is a testimony that that's just not true. And I'm still here in the PCA after 30-some odd years because of safe spaces and places like you had with Pastor Omari [Hill, of Perimeter Church] and other brothers to help navigate." At Christ Central, the church plant she touts, pastor Howard Brown led corporate prayers declaring the Puritans guilty of genocide
Nov 11, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
AME church is not handling the election well Is this...a regular thing? AME church ladies dropping dollar bills off at the pulpit when they hear something they like?
Nov 6, 2024 15 tweets 4 min read
Evangelicals For Harris: Where Are They Now? Image Image
Oct 7, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
.@ourdailybread is sponsoring The Witness BCC's upcoming conference, with a queer-affirming keynote speaker Image
@ourdailybread Image
Apr 30, 2024 7 tweets 3 min read
At the opening of the United Methodist Church's General Conference, attendees are warned to avoid "exclusively male language for God" and to "be conscious of inferred power dynamics." The next day, this same duo presented their "report card" on the diversity of officers elected to the conference's legislative committees, then scolded attendees to "work a little bit harder on inclusion with language and interpretation."
Feb 19, 2024 6 tweets 3 min read
Fani Willis returned to church to accept an award and deliver a brief sermon on her court hearing.

"The scripture they keep sending me is 'No weapon formed against you shall prosper'...They did not say the weapons will not form, and that's the part I didn't hear until recently." Atlanta Berean Church, a Seventh-Day Adventist congregation, hosted Willis this Saturday for nearly 20 minutes of adulation, starting with lead pastor Dr. Sherwin Jack declaring, "She is one of us" (1:26).
Jul 17, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
Kelly Rosati, a National Association Of Evangelicals board member, calls pro-life Christians' opposition to state-run welfare "useless," "un-scriptural," and "madness." Here's wider context: Rosati, an alumnus of Focus On The Family and former member of the March For Life's board of national directors, is speaking at the NAE's "Flourish" conference in October of last year. (1/2)
Jul 14, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Has the Gospel Coalition embraced Federal Vision theology?

"What is the basis of our regeneration at the Judgment? It is not our confession. It is actually our living."

(see full thread for wider context) Speaker is Darryl Williamson of Living Faith Bible Fellowship in Tamba Bay, FL, during a "Good-Faith Debate" published this March.

"How do we advance both a reconciliation and justice vision in the church?...I think it begins with...us getting the gospel right." (1/2)
Jun 26, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
This is how subversive churches will twist Genesis 1:27 to sow gender confusion in children: THREAD 🧵 "When God creates day + night, what's between day + night? Sunset + sunrise are between day + night, so there's dusk and there's dawn and there's twilight. I feel pretty safe saying that I think God created sunset."

"Do you know if there's anything between dry land + water?"
Jun 13, 2023 22 tweets 7 min read
Found some professors from Fuller and UCLA defending, whitewashing + advocating Critical Race Theory, by name, at an event held by the church of a pastor regularly featured on the YouVersion Bible app's devotionals.

No, this isn't from June 2020. It's May 2023. The speaker is Jeff Liou, who co-authored "Christianity and Critical Race Theory: A Faithful and Constructive Conversation" with Robert Chao Romero, who I've clipped several times before. Here, the two authors call anti-CRT Christians liars and "a**holes."
Jun 11, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
This week in WPCs!

Turns out this is a former Calvin prof, but that wasn't widely known (or visible on her various online profiles). But it seems like she decided to leave rather than Calvin taking ANY action on her cutting a pro-transing kids video. kyrie eleison
Jun 8, 2023 17 tweets 6 min read
Can these 3 perspectives on transgenderism be "integrated" somehow? Wheaton prof Mark Yarhouse says yes.

Today in "nuancing ourselves to death"... 🧵 ImageImageImageImage I'm clipping from a talk Yarhouse recently gave to the social justice-focused Anglican Diocese known as C4SO (Churches For The Sake Of Others). It's some of the most nuanced nuance I've ever encountered. So I recommend watching the whole thing if you can
Apr 12, 2023 17 tweets 5 min read
Thread 🧵 of churches outrageously outraged by Justin Pearson/Jones' expulsion in Tennessee

This pastor says his church is Pearson's "spiritual home" and urges congregants to call their county commissioners to get him reinstated

Source: https://t.co/FRU8RdhJYZ (tbh I think churches should show this kind of solidarity with their people, but it tells you a lot when a church claims an obvious "Protect Trans Kids" neopagan like Pearson as their people)
Apr 10, 2023 7 tweets 1 min read
Expelled TN lawmaker Justin Pearson's sermon at a Memphis Unitarian Universalist church began with a prayer to "Mother God" and an invitation for dead ancestors to speak through him Later, an applause line on "healthcare" for "transgender children"
Apr 6, 2023 21 tweets 7 min read
Cursed moments from this year's Interfaith "Transgender Day Of Visibility" vigil at All Saint's Church Pasadena

First, some congregational singing: Mike Kinman, famous for his creepy retelling/pantomime of Bathsheba's roof bath, tries to queer Irenaeus: "What God dreams for all of us is to come 𝐹𝒰𝐿𝐿𝒴 𝒜𝐿𝐼𝒱𝐸."
Mar 27, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Today in "You Will Never Be Woke Enough":

"If the [United Church Of Christ] was really as open and affirming as it claims to be, then there would be trans people of color in every UCC church. But that would also require the UCC to reckon with its white supremacy culture." Speaker is James Admans, a "Digital Minister" at NYC's Fort Washington Collegiate Church who performs in drag under the name "Marge Erin Johnson."

UCC is about as prog as you can go before you formally ditch any claim to Christian identity. Imagine thinking that's not enough...
Mar 27, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
UPDATE: The Revoice guy who formed a "household" with his straight roommate says the roomie now has a GF and if he gets married, they'll all probably share a duplex rather than a single-family home.

"I don't really want to live with kids." Wider context: Art Pereira, Revoice's Director Of Community Care, doesn't like to put labels on his relationship to housemate Nick: "He's my family. It's my household. We usually say 'Committed Friendship' when we're trying to explain it. Definitely not just roommates."
Mar 26, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
This week in WPCs!

If you think "woke is over," as in race essentialism and thinly-veiled liberation theology, you're sorely mistaken. It feels like the evangelical publishing guild is getting ready for another wave, actually... ...I mean, if you need a sign, how much clearer could you get than this recent conference at the "unapologetically Christian" Baylor University with Beth Moore serving up a reheated Robin DiAngelo TEDx Talk 3 years past its expiration date?
Mar 23, 2023 20 tweets 7 min read
Beth Moore: Telling black Americans that they are not as oppressed as their ancestors is "like saying to a wife that her husband's porn addiction is an improvement over his physical adultery, so you have nothing to complain about anymore." Wider context: From Baylor's Racism In The White Church conference last month. Gave basically a June 2020 sermon 3 years late, unaware of how little it adds to the convo.

e.g. "You don't have to be a skinhead to be a white supremacist. I know that's gonna be a shock to somebody"
Mar 22, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
"When Jesus is making sense of his own vocation + ministry...he pulls on the Psalms, the Exodus narrative + Isaiah, just like the black church...Black Christians read [past tense] the Bible + discerned God's purposes better, such that liberation is on every page."

Esau McCaulley Here's wider context: from Baylor's "Racism In The White Church" conference

"The social location of the black people as an oppressed underclass actually put them situationally closer to the nation of Israel. So it made them...more apt to see what was intended in [scripture]."
Mar 14, 2023 12 tweets 4 min read
Rep. Hillary Scholten, a member of the Christian Reformed Church, defends legal abortion at Calvin University. She argues that criminalizing the practice would violate the 1st Amendment and "would require a consensus on what scripture says about exactly where life begins." Here's wider context. The event date isn't clear but sometime this January, she appeared at Calvin, a school that is part of her CRCNA denomination, for a discussion moderated by politics prof Micah Watson. (1/2)