David H. Montgomery Profile picture
"A French history podcaster and enormous goshdang nerd after our own hearts" — @andrewvandam. Host of @thesiecle; senior data journalist with @YouGovAmerica.

Jul 28, 2021, 8 tweets

Today’s #COVID19 data is not good — not only are cases continuing to grow, as expected, but there are signs that that growth is accelerating. Too early to say for sure, but the last two days of reports suggest the fourth wave may have found another gear…

Today reported 625 newly confirmed cases. That’s more than double last Wednesday’s 278.

The weekly average is up to 400/day, from 233/day a week ago.

Over the last two weeks, positivity rates have nearly tripled; cases have nearly quadrupled; hospitalizations nearly doubled.

It’s just a few days of data so far, but you can see the trajectory change in our current positivity line — eerily mirroring, at a lower base, the shape of the fall wave. (Again: too early to make conclusive judgments!)

Hospitalizations lag case data, but they’re starting to rise, too — this isn’t just healthy young people getting the sniffles.

We’ll see how high this goes, but so far it’s on its way up.

Deaths lag case counts by weeks or months, so we wouldn’t expect to see any big impact from the fourth wave yet. They’re mostly flat, maybe up VERY slightly, just above record lows.

We’re seeing more than 30 new confirmed #COVID19 cases per 100,000 unvaxxed individuals in Hennepin/Ramsey right now, not far off the pace at this point in the spring 2021 wave.

Vaccination rates continue to inch upward very gradually.

This is mostly pretty ominous. You know what’s not ominous? Cats!

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