Andrew—New YouTube Channel @LiveFromTheResistance Profile picture
Scholar and a Gentleman. Pro-Democracy. Anti-Fascism. Gay AF. Trump is Putin's Puppet. And so is @elonmusk. Billionaires don't want to lower your fucking taxes.

Jul 28, 2021, 11 tweets

We have video of Trump calling on his supporters to storm the Capitol to “take back our country”

We have @GOP members of Congress on tape doing the same

We have the entire insurrection from inside and outside the Capitol on video

We have tweets and emails from Trump calling on his supporters to attack the Capitol

We have tweets, messages, and video from @GOP members of Congress actively enabling the attack

We have multiple insurrectionists who have pled guilty to participating in this siege

We have sworn testimony from Capitol Police officers that they were violently assaulted, maced, hit with blunt objects & overrun by people who claimed they were “sent by Trump.”

We have an entire political party attempting to whitewash this attack as a “normal tourist visit.”

We have @GOP members of Congress still unwilling to condemn the actions of these individuals or call this what it was: a terrorist insurrection aimed at overthrowing the government and installing Trump as dictator despite losing the election by over 7 million votes.

We have nearly every member of the Trump family on tape calling for the insurrection on January 6th:

We have cell phone location data literally showing Trump’s rally attendants from the morning of January 6th moving from where he was speaking to the Capitol.

We have statements from Trump inciting the insurrection via email, tweet, and video—trying to market it as the “Million MAGA March” to “stop the steal of the 2020 election.”

We have sitting @GOP senators on tape admitting they “led the charge” on the terrorist attack on the U.S. Capitol on Jan 6th (cc: @tedcruz, @HawleyMO)

We have sitting members of the @HouseGOP who gave “tours of the Capitol” to terrorists in the days leading up to Jan 6th, tweeted support for the insurrection & even tweeted @SpeakerPelosi’s movements during the attack.
cc: @RepBoebert

We have sitting members of the @HouseGOP bragging about their role in inciting the 1/6 insurrection & that they would do it again despite the loss of 8 lives (including 3 police officers) and hundreds of injuries. (cc: @RepMTG)

.@RepMTG in Dec 2020 saying she just had a “great planning session [with Trump] for our January 6th objection. We aren’t going to let this election be stolen by @JoeBiden and the Democrats. Trump won by a landslide.” Subpoena her. Expel her. Prosecute her.

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