Scotland: Mortality week 29 (NRS data)
Last few weeks have been above the average, and this week 29 sets a new high, by a small margin the highest week 29 for more than 20 years.
Mortality rank
2021 rank has moved slightly higher, but still 15th. Now higher (worse) than 2015 and 2018, which we have been below so far.
Note 2020 now ranks third, behind the dreadful 1993 and 1999 that we all remember…?
3/ Excess mortality by cause
This breaks down cause into covid and non-covid. We can see that we continue to have significant non-covid excess, and some excess as covid now creeping in.
Will come back to this.
4/ Excess mortality by location
All excess mortality occurring home. This is really tragic to think.
5/ Recent mortality rate
Recent weeks have been high, and if we add up weeks 27-29 we can see those are the highest for nearly twenty years, and by some margin over recent years
6/ Recent excess
So where does that come from? It’s from
- All causes, mostly ‘others’, but respiratory, cancer etc
- Dying at home
- and in 45-85+ age categories
- By far those are fully vaccinated
We have raised mortality across the board. Ongoing limited treatment access?
7/ Mortality by age
Confirms the previous, we can see near term up trends in the four highest age brackets.
8/ Child mortality
Continues to be absolutely fine, at or below the 5 year average. As shown in past updates, child mortality has been below normal throughout 2020/2021, other than the sudden rise in 2021-Q2.
Now back to normal.
No excess mortality at all in children
9/ Mortality & vaccinations by age
These charts correlate - for each age group - 2021’s mortality against the vaccinations administered during those weeks.
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