1/THE DECREE OF THE @rbREICH PRESIDENT FOR THE PROTECTION OF THE PEOPLE was issued in February 1933, by the senile, ineffectual figurehead President of Germany in response to The REICHstag Fire. It was issued on the advice of the German equivalent to Speaker of the House (Hitler)
2/ But Hitler had actually planned and ordered the fire set, so his party could blame, delegitimize, demonize, dehumanize, and permanently silence all dissenting political opponents as well as the root of that opposition “the oppressive and systematically privileged JEWS.”
3/The Decree nullified key civil liberties of the German people all in the name of safety. With Hitler and his party now unquestionably in control, the decree was used to imprison the privileged dissenters indefinitely and silence all media that dare question the Propaganda
Of course, Hitler lied about and hid the details of the @rbReich-stag Fire and forced the media to ignore the violence he was morally justified inflicting upon the “systematically privileged Jews.”
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