Ari Berman Profile picture
Author: Minority Rule, Give Us the Ballot & Herding Donkeys Voting rights reporter: @motherjones Speaking:

Jul 29, 2021, 9 tweets

NEW: GOP could take back House in 2022 by picking up 6-13 seats under new gerrymandered maps in GA TX FL NC alone

Dems face redistricting bloodbath if they don’t pass ban on partisan gerrymandering ASAP

You can’t out-organize extreme gerrymandering…

New analysis by @TargetSmart shared exclusively with @MotherJones finds GOP could pick up 5 seats in FL, 3 in TX, 3 in GA & 2 in NC through gerrymandering, giving them control of House in 2022

Dems could win 50% of vote in Georgia but control only 20% of House seats

Most important thing Dems can do to stop extreme gerrymandering & keep House is pass ban on partisan gerrymandering in For the People Act but time running out

“Absent the passage of HR1 the GOP is poised to gerrymander their way to a House majority” says @tbonier

White House wants to “out-organize voter suppression” but you can’t out-organize extreme gerrymandering

“You can get people to the polls, they can vote in record numbers, and if you allow unfair racial or partisan gerrymandering, that can neuter the turnout” says @EricHolder

75% of population growth in GA FL TX NC from people of color but new gerrymandered seats will go to white Republicans

6 Dem reps of color could lose seats

“The future of America is multi-racial coalitions and Republicans will have an opportunity to kneecap that” says @mcpli

It hasn’t gotten nearly as much attention as provisions stopping voter suppression but ban on partisan gerrymandering most important part of For the People Act, says @davidshor

“This one part of the bill is probably five times more important than the rest of the bill combined”

“If Congress does not take action to protect voters by banning partisan gerrymandering, then the same GOP state legislatures that are destroying democracy with anti-voter bills will quickly draw Dems out of power for a decade through unchecked gerrymandered maps” - @gwlauren

.@EricHolder on amending filibuster to pass voting rights legislation: “At some point we’re going to get to a binary choice between protecting our democracy and protecting an arcane Senate procedure"

That time is now

"Republicans are rushing to tilt the country’s voting laws in their favor, and Democrats are running out of time to stop them."

If Dems don't pass legislation protecting voting rights ASAP, GOP will gerrymander them out of power for next decade…

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