Sifiso Msezane Profile picture

Jul 29, 2021, 20 tweets

A lot of you have heard people talking about the Nuremberg Code, but what is the Nuremberg code, and what role does it play in as far as Covid-19 vaccines are concerned. #FreeJacobZuma
#FreePresidentZuma #FreeNgizweMchunu

Before we delve into the Nuremberg code, let's look into the history of some of the previous vaccines as well as the time frames taken for their development. #FreeNgizweMchunu #FreePresidentZuma

Now it's important to note that there was Nuremberg trial first which started in 1945-1949, various war crime perpetrators were prosecuted at this trial, but we are only gonna narrow our focus on medical prosecutions in which 23 doctors were tried, only 7 were acquitted. #ngizwe

In 1947 the Nuremberg Code was established.Judgment by the war crimes tribunal at Nuremberg laid down 10 standards to which physicians must conform when carrying out experiments on human subjects in a new code that is now accepted worldwide.

We'll break down each one of these 10

In terms of the Code, the risk must be weighed against the expected benefit, and unnecessary pain & suffering must be avoided. Under the Code, doctors should avoid actions that injures human patients. #FreePresidentZuma #FreeNgizweMchunu

I'd say that current covid vaccines violate all 10 tenets of the Nuremberg Code.

"I was only following orders" was not an acceptable defense in 1947 trial.

We'll treat informed consent throughout this thread as it's a very critical aspect of administering a vaccine or any drug

Medical ethics draws two distinctions under "Informed consent". One where it's under clinical trials in which the objective is to treat the patient and one under experimental in which the objective is to further knowledge.
Covid vaccines falls under clinical trials. #FreeNgizwe

Remember that covid vaccines were only approved under emergency use authorisation(EUR), they're not FDA approved and remain at clinical trials. Even for EUR proper toxicology studies or animal trials were not performed. This means no time was taken to test this novel technology.

Forcing, bribing people with burgers/winning cars and coercing people through threatening to take away their liberties is against the 1st Code. Of great concern is that governments have been exercising vast coercive power to promote participation in these experiments. #freengizwe

Vaccines are at this time still experimental in nature,implying that people are being coerced into participating in the largest clinical trials in the history of mankind.The fact that there are other drugs currently being suppressed implies that this isnt for the good of humanity

As stated earlier, no extensive animal testing was conducted, even for EUR, the vaccines were objectively positioned to be rushed into human subjects. Code number 3 is also contravened. #FreeNgizweMchunu #FreePresidentZuma

Following the recent cdc whistle-blower stating that there're approximately 55 000 fatalities between Jan & June in the US alone which occurred within 72 hours of taking the vaccine as well already known severe vacine side effects and fatalities, Code 4 is seriously contravened.

It was reasonably known and expected from the start that there will be fatalities during these trials but they were ignored. With current daily incremental fatalities from these vaccines, there's no doubt that Code 5 was contravened. #FreePresidentZuma

One can conceivably argue that the use of vaccines in elderly or children subjects should not exceed the associated risk of the problem it intends to solve. Children were found to have almost zero risk of severe infection yet they were vaccinated and some died/left paralyzed.

The delivery of an experimental vaccine must be performed in an environment where 1 can reasonably expect rapid treatment & immediate availability of treatment for any AEs that might occur shortly after trial jabs. It's impossible in parking lot settings, pop-up vaccination sites

Those conducting the study are largely qualified, however if one consider that this includes pharmacists and possibly other untrained personnel, then this Code is contravened as well. #WenzenuZuma #FreeNgizweMchunu #FreePresidentZuma

Despite the realization that there are some serious problems associated with mRNA or DNA vector vaccination, people are still encouraged to the point of coercion as we've seen in the US where 50% prison sentence is reduced when you give in to the vaccine. #FreePresidentZuma

As we've already seen, there's no intention to stop despite the severity and daily fatalities resulting from these experimental vaccines, it would appear that the predetermined objective is set to be achieved at all cost. #WenzenuZuma #FreeNgizweMchunu #FreePresidentZuma

Based on the above, the 10 points of the Nuremberg Code, it is clear that this trial is continuing on an illegal
basis. Subjects cannot be coerced as they are now. The threat to introduce vaccine passports, as well as the threat to not lift lockdowns, etc are forms of coercion.

It seems that Nuremberg trials will be held a stadium this time around, there are thousands of perpetrators and their accomplices that a normal courtroom won't be able to accommodate the capacity. The End!!! #FreePresidentZuma #FreeNgizweMchunu #WenzenuZuma

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