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#Complexity #Cybernetics #InfluenceOps 2016 I Theorized a WWW Network had been created specifically to INFLUENCE WESTERN SOCIETY / Now Validated

Jul 29, 2021, 9 tweets

@RYP__ KUSHNER's iPhone was hacked?

'Ivanka Jared Kushner Family E-Mail'


shares network connections with TRUMP.Org as shown here in osint domain records

@RYP__ More specifically, my archived 'mx' records for 'IJKFamily' email, dated November 19, 2018

TRUMP email / KUSHNER email accessed via TrumpOrg.Com mailhost01 and 02 of

@RYP__ Mailhost for Jared and Ivanka Email > TrumpOrg

@RYP__ Mailhost for Jared and Ivanka Email > TrumpOrg

@RYP__ MIC-BUNINO is Andrei Ryabinskiy, educated in 'Cybernetics', property developer, fight promoter and identified as participant in Trump Towers planning meetings with Felix Sater and Michael Cohen.

@RYP__ Ryabinskiy: 'Cybernetics Specialist'

@RYP__ Kushner, Ryabinskiy, Sater, Cohen and Trump

@RYP__ Also on LIGHTOWER Fiber Network along with TRUMP and KUSHNER Emails

Kaspersky Russia et al

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