@RYP__ More specifically, my archived 'mx' records for 'IJKFamily' email, dated November 19, 2018
TRUMP email / KUSHNER email accessed via TrumpOrg.Com mailhost01 and 02 of
@RYP__ Mailhost for Jared and Ivanka Email > TrumpOrg
@RYP__ Mailhost for Jared and Ivanka Email > TrumpOrg
@RYP__ MIC-BUNINO is Andrei Ryabinskiy, educated in 'Cybernetics', property developer, fight promoter and identified as participant in Trump Towers planning meetings with Felix Sater and Michael Cohen.
In The Course of DISCOVERING and DOCUMENTING the RUSSIAN-Developed #NETWAR Network, part of my investigation UNCOVERED an #ArtificialIntelligence 'HUB' Built-in
A #MarkovChain - though I did not know it was anything other than '8 SYNCHRONIZED DOMAINS'