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Jul 29, 2021, 18 tweets

The contract between Pfizer and the government for supply of covid vaccine. #FreePresidentZuma
#FreeNgizweMchunu #FreeJacobZumaNow

So you're probably asking yourself, why should I care about what the agreement between Pfizer and government entails?

Well, this isn't the contract for renovation of government offices, it's a procurement of novel substance to be injected into your bodies, that's a reason enough

These contracts appear to be the same for all governments around the world that have entered into this agreement with Pfizer.
This was confirmed by former Pfizer head of Brazil and Latin America, Carlos Murillo. #FreePresidentZuma #FreeNgizweMchunu

I'll be summarizing(in no specific order)some of the clauses that raised my eyebrows. #WenzenuZuma #FreeJacobZumaNow #FreeNgizweMchunu #FreePresidentZuma

We've heard some people advocating for mandatory vaccination.
Well, on clause 5.5 Pfizer says:

Purchaser acknowledges that the long-term effects and efficacy of the vaccine are not currently known and that there may be adverse effects of the vaccine that are not currently known.

In terms of clause 8.1, Pfizer requires that the government defends Pfizer, not the taxpayers, not the victims of vaccine side effects, just Pfizer against any losses or harm. #WenzenuZuma #FreeNgizweMchunu #FreePresidentZuma

Pfizer will NOT be liable for anyone who is harmed through the use of their products. This clause when read along with 8.1 above implies that when you're harmed by these vaccines the government has a contractual obligation to defend Pfizer should you voice it out.

Ever wondered why the discussion of a cure on covid is non-existent or why drugs such as chloroquin/Ivermectin is a taboo! Well, clause 2.1(b) states that should a cure be found to treat Covid-19 the contract cannot be avoided. #FreePresidentZuma

It's puzzling that Pfizer's definition of a vaccines covers "any device, technology, or product used in the administration of or to enhance the use or effect of, such vaccine"

People were called conspiracy theorists for suggesting the use of nanochips in vaccines last year.

While Pfizer demands an upfront payment, clause 2.1(d) states that Pfizer shall have no liability if they fail to deliver vaccines at the promised date, and the government will not be allowed to cancel the order for any quantity they ordered.

Clause 2.6 is as clear as daylight. "Under no circumstances will Pfizer be be subject to or liable for any late delivery penalties"

At this point you gotta admire how risk free the business of these vaccines are. Anyway let's continue. #FreeJacobZuma

Vaccines are non-returnable and nonrefundable no matter what, this is in terms of clause 2.8(d). #FreePresidentZuma #FreeNgizweMchunu

In terms of clause 5.1, this contract shall not be subjected to any existing or future law of the country. #FreePresidentZuma #FreeJacobZumaNow #FreeNgizweMchunu

Under clause 6.2, the contract states that the government can only terminate the contract if there's material breach by Pfizer. This clause is devilishly gratuitous as there's barely anything that would constitute material breach of contract by Pfizer.

If the country fails to pay Pfizer, Pfizer can take over the country's assets. This is in terms of clause 9.4. #FreePresidentZuma #FreeJacobZumaNow #FreeNgizweMchunu

In addition to defending Pfizer, the country must implement laws or regulations to protect Pfizer from any liability claims. It will be at the sole discretion of Pfizer to determine whether such laws are sufficient or not. #FreePresidentZuma

This contract is not supposed to be disclosed or shared with anyone except representatives of both parties, not even parliament members should be privy to this contract. The End!!! #FreePresidentZuma #FreeNgizweMchunu

watch this video, everything will make sense. #FreePresidentZuma #FreeJacobZumaNow #FreeJacobZuma #FreeNgizweMchunu

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