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Jul 29, 2021, 10 tweets

Rose Nathike Lokonyen fled persecution in South Sudan when she was 8 years old.

🏅Now she’s competing in the Tokyo Olympics

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🔴In 2002, Rose was just a child when she was forced to flee, barefoot, from her village as her neighbours were killed by armed militants

📸: UNHCR/Bobby Pall

Her family escaped from one of the longest civil wars in history, which led to approximately two million deaths and the displacement of four million people

🏃‍♀️This week, for the second time, Rose is competing in the refugee team as a track and field athlete

📸: UNHCR/Benjamin Loyseau

🔴She competed in her first race aged 14 in Kakuma refugee camp.

Her talent was spotted, and she was soon picked for Rio.

"I was told: 'you will go to Rio.' I didn’t know where Rio was, I thought it was in Kenya"

📸:UNHCR/Tobin Jones…

Rose was selected as one of 10 in the Olympics’ first ever refugee team.

It was created by the International Olympic Committee to allow athletes to keep competing even if they have been forced to leave their home countries

📸: UNHCR/Anthony Karumba

🗣️Rose said: "I had the chance to compete with the champions of Kenya. People cheered for us [the refugee team], we felt like we were human beings"

📸:UNHCR/Bob Martin

🗣️"Being a refugee is a status. But nobody chooses to be a refugee. [The Olympics] gives us a chance to show our talents to the world.

"When we are given a chance through sport or education we are able to change our lives."

📸: UNHCR/Atsushi Shibuya

🌎"We have not come here to represent ourselves, but to represent the entire refugee community around the world and also to give the message of hope"

🔎Read the full interview by @Harrietmbarber 👇…

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