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National Nurses United: The largest RN union in U.S. history, with nearly 225,000 nurses nationwide. Executive Director is @NNUBonnie.

Jul 29, 2021, 7 tweets

Covid-19 laid bare the failures of our health care system.

We can ease the burden for millions if we #ExpandMedicare by:
โฌ‡๏ธ Lowering the eligibility age
๐Ÿ‘“ Including dental, vision, & hearing
๐Ÿ’Š Allowing Medicare to negotiate lower drug prices

Here's what that would mean.

Nurses are sick and tired of watching as our patients who can't seek care for financial reasons have simple health issues become life-threatening later on.

These stories are a glimpse into why we MUST #ExpandMedicare now.

To #ExpandMedicare would mean freedom to choose a job that won't cause constant physical pain.

To #ExpandMedicare means millions will no longer have to choose between a meal or getting life saving medicine.

To #ExpandMedicare means dental care will finally be recognized and covered as a part of health care.

To #ExpandMedicare means millions of usโ€” including health care and other ##EssentialWorkers โ€” can finally look forward to a dignified life in our later years.

While we continue our fight for #MedicareForAll every day, we have an opportunity right now to improve millions of lives.

โ˜Ž๏ธ Call 202-509-9128 right now to urge your senators to act to #ExpandMedicare in the budget reconciliation package! โ˜Ž๏ธ

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