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Jul 30, 2021, 8 tweets

[Thread] 1. What's happening with our #VaccineRollOutSA doses — will we have enough and are we reaching the right people?

Nicholas Crisp, @healthza:
We crossed the 7 mil mark for vaccine doses administered this week, but we're not yet reaching enough 60+ (most vulnerable).

2. Crisp:
1. 80% (4, 416, 391) of 60+ have been vaccinated with at least one dose
2. 15% (727, 839) of 50+ have been vaccinated with at least one dose

@healthza's goal for Aug: 1 out of 7 vaccinations has to be for 60+

3. Crisp:
We're not reaching the desired public/private mix for jabs: there is far more capacity in the private sector than what we're currently using

Below is a screen grab from @healthza's dashboard that shows a breakdown of the % of jabs done at pub/priv sites on Thu

4. Crisp says we need to prioritise:
1. People of 60+ (1 mil 60+ has to be vaccinated in Aug nationally)
2. Males, particularly those of 50+
3. People without medical aid (low proportions of them have been covered)

5. Crisp:
1. We're currently in Week 11 of #VacccineRolloutSA, Week 12 starts on Aug 2
2. For Week 12, or goal is to administer 290, 428 doses/day
3. This would present a 61% increase from the doses administered in Week 8 (the week of Jul 12)

6. Crisp:
1. #Pfizer has been #VaccineRollOutSA's main supply so far
2. The 1.5 mil #JnJ doses we've been using for essential workers were also distributed to sites from 26 Jul (because by then we knew more were coming + they expire by 11 Aug)

7. What vaccines can we expect?
1. We had 250 000 doses left by the end of Thu (stock for 7 days)
2. 1 Aug (Sun): 1, 556, 100 #Pfizer doses will land
3. 31 Jul - 1 Aug: 5, 660, 460 Pfizer doses will land (donations from the US)
4. 2 Aug: 1, 454 900 #JnJ will go to sites

8. For how long will we struggle with getting enough doses to move fast enough?
1. By mid next wk we should be out of the woods, b/cause of the jabs arriving over the w/end + early next wk
2. If jab manufacturers stick to schedules, we have enough jabs coming for 2021

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