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Civil society organization dedicated to defending the human rights of Palestinian children in the Occupied Palestinian Territory.

Aug 2, 2021, 6 tweets

Thread: Israeli forces killed 16-year-old Palestinian teenager Said Yousef Mohammad Odeh on May 5, 2021. Now, his family, friends, and community are reflecting on Said's life.

His mother asks, "What did he do to justify his killing? He was just 16 years old."

Said's cousin, Munther, was shot in the back by Israeli soldiers while trying to carry Said to safety.

"We were standing here, and suddenly, the army came out from under the olive trees."

Israeli forces blocked paramedics from accessing Said after he was shot. The paramedic who finally reached him, Faiz, was surprised to see the person lying on the ground was his nephew, Said.

Said's father said he and his wife broke down crying in the hospital when they realized Said had been killed.

Khaled, Said's friend and football teammate, misses his friend every day and wears a necklace in his honor that says, "My life is dark without you."

Khaled stopped playing football after Said's killing until Said's mother called him and urged him to continue.

No one has been held accountable for Said's killing. Israeli forces are rarely held accountable for grave violations against Palestinian children, including unlawful killings and excessive use of force.…

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